International Tiger Day 2021: Meet these 4 female photographers who are capturing stunning views of tigers in the wild

In a place like India where news of gender stereotyping plagues the society; Female feticide cases are still frequently reported, women are extremely happy to make incredible achievements in such a field. wildlife photography.

Such women not only serve as inspiration but also continually help break age-old stereotypes about women’s ability to act independently, rising to their full potential as individuals. They are living testimony to courage, and to prove that nothing is impossible for women, provided they are not confined to just a few gender-based roles.

on the occasion of international tiger dayWe present to you 4 brilliant, adventurous, exemplary female wildlife photographers who have taken incredible pictures of majestic tigers in their natural habitat.

Rathika Ramasamy: He is known as the number 1 wildlife photographer in India. Rathika made Indians proud when she was recognized as the first Indian woman to receive international recognition as a wildlife photographer.

The Chennai-based photographer quit her secure IT job to pursue her passion as a full-time photographer. She humbly attributes her stunning tiger sightings to the creatures themselves. She says that he has always supported her, and that is how she can correct the timing of the pictures.

Latika Nath: She is considered to be the first woman wildlife biologist in India. Known as the Tiger Princess (titled by National Geographic), Latika is also one of the first female wildlife photographers, and could deftly handle cameras from the age of 6.

For his remarkable spirit and contribution to the conservation of tigers in India, he was given the honorary title of “Her Daringness”. She holds a doctorate degree in tiger conservation and management and has been working with tigers for over 25 years.

Aishwarya Sridhar: He is a 24-year-old, Indian wildlife photographer, presenter, documentary filmmaker from Navi Mumbai. Aishwarya became the youngest girl to win the Sanctuary Asia-Young Naturalist Award, the International Camera Fair Award. Her groundbreaking work made her the first Indian woman to win the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award in 2020.

Her documentary film Tiger Queen of Taru, based on Maya, the wild Bengal tigress from Tadoba Andheri Tiger Reserve, marked an important milestone in her career.

Shabnam Siddiqui: A wildlife photographer, biodiversity conservationist, Shabnam fell in love with clicking tigers in 2006 when he saw the gorgeous animal looking straight into the lens from the bushes of Ranthambore National Park. Since then, there has been no looking back. He has received many accolades for his captivating pictures. Shabnam is the Executive Director of Global Compact Network India.

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