International Plastic Bag Free Day 2021: History, Significance, Quotes, Messages and Images to Share

International Plastic Bag Free Day is observed annually on 3 July. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about the serious issues of plastic pollution and the serious threat to the natural environment ranging from land to marine life. Since plastic bags take about 100-500 years to decompose, it creates land pollution as it is dumped in landfills and proves to be dangerous to marine animals when washed into the ocean. Hence, it becomes imperative to sound the alarm against the ill-effects of single use plastic bags.

International Plastic Bag Free Day: History and Significance

The campaign launched by Zero Waste Europe’s Bag Free World has become a global initiative to raise awareness around the world. To promote the use of eco-friendly items like paper bags or cloth bags instead of plastic bags and get rid of single-use plastic bags, July 3 has been designated as International Plastic Bag Free Day.

(Image: Shutterstock)

On this day, people organize meetings, debates, social events to encourage people to take a pledge to tackle the serious problem of plastic at an individual level. People start beach clean campaign, ocean clean campaign and much more on this day to free the environment from suffocating plastic bags.

International Plastic Bag Free Day: Quotes and Messages

1. “Plastics help us, but they are polluting our land!”

2. Go Green, Plastic Is Porn!

(Image: Shutterstock)

3. If we say no to plastic, the environment will smile at us!

4. Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, Recycle Plastic Bags

(Image: Shutterstock)

5. Stop throttling the earth. Say no to plastic bags.

6. The world without plastic is like a diamond that shines everywhere.

(Image: Shutterstock)

7. A plastic pollution free world is not an option but a commitment to life – a commitment to the next generation.

8. Plastic disposal pollutes not only land but water and air, the three primary elements for any living being on earth

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