International No Diet Day 2024: Five common dieting myths debunked

common dieting myths
Image Source : FREEPIK Know about a few common dieting myths.

Nowadays people have become active regarding their fitness. In such a situation, people have started taking the help of diet along with exercise to lose weight and stay fit. To lose weight, you have to pay special attention to your eating habits in diet. People get many types of advice while dieting, some of which are right and some are wrong. In such a situation, many times people stop dieting considering it difficult. On International No Diet Day 2024, let us tell you today about many such myths related to dieting, that people blindly believe. 

These are the myths related to diet:

Eating carbs will make you fat: People often say that carbs should not be consumed in the diet, this is a big myth. Let us tell you that our body needs glucose and we get glucose only through carbs. Therefore, include these carbs in your diet. 

Consuming more protein:  Your body needs all types of nutrients. But many times people focus only on taking protein while dieting. Consuming too much protein can harm your health. 

Do not eat sweets at all: During diet, people often have the misconception that they should not eat sweets at all. Which is completely a myth. You should reduce the intake of sweets but should not leave them completely. 

Healthy food is expensive: In the process of dieting, people often think that healthy food is expensive, which is completely wrong. During the diet, you can consume pulses, fruits, and vegetables which are very healthy for your health. 

Eat frequently: You must have often heard from people that one should eat something every 1 or 2 hours. This is a big myth. Eating frequently can increase your calorie intake, which can make it difficult for you to lose weight. 

Special exercises will reduce fat: If you want to reduce the fat of the entire body, then instead of doing any one special exercise, you need to do a full-body workout.

Diet facts:

Knowing the amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats in a food item can aid in managing weight and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, being aware of the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals can help maintain strong immune systems and prevent nutrient deficiencies. It is important to note that not all diets work for everyone, as each individual’s body and dietary needs are unique. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for personalised nutrition advice. 

ALSO READ: International No Diet Day 2024: Five ways nutrition is more important than calories for weight loss