‘Intellectual dishonesty’: PM Modi talks about opposition to farmer reforms in interview

Commenting on farmers’ protests in India for months, PM Narendra Modi The real meaning of “intellectual dishonesty and political deceit” could be seen in those opposing the agricultural laws brought in by his government, he said.

The Prime Minister remarked in a comment interview with open magazine. “If you look at those opposing farmer-friendly reforms today, you will see the real meaning of intellectual dishonesty and political fraud,” he said.

This was in response to a question that he was a risk taker when it came to demonetisation and agricultural laws among other things. He was asked if he was “concerned about the consequences of these risky, though necessary, entry into forbidden areas”.

To which the Prime Minister said that the earlier governments had only one model – which are run to form the next government. “My fundamental thinking is different. I believe that we have to run the government for making the country (to become the country we have to run the government), the Prime Minister said.

Reiterating the government’s stand on agricultural laws, PM Modi said that his government stands for the empowerment of small farmers. He said, “The agriculture law you are talking about, the government has been saying from day one that on whatever point there is disagreement, the government is ready to sit and discuss those issues together. Many meetings in this regard also. But so far no one has expressed any significant disagreement that we want to change that.”

PM Modi also said that one can see “political fraud” when it comes to GST, Aadhaar or even the new Parliament House. He said that those who oppose such decisions are looking for their own benefit instead of the country’s. I want to urge everyone that the issue is not whether Modi succeeds or fails, it should be about whether our country succeeds or not.”

Over the past few months, the Narendra Modi government has first asked farmers to come to the table and highlight specific points that farmers disagree with. There has been no successful meeting, and farmers have continued to demand a complete repeal of the agricultural laws.

Read full interview of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Open Magazine Here.

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