Indore ready for third wave: 70% of the population felt self-sufficient in vaccines, oxygen-beds and medicines

Indore12 hours earlier

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Indoreites had also contributed in the fight against the second wave of Corona.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Indoreites had also contributed in the fight against the second wave of Corona.

  • If full care is taken of mask, distance and vaccination, now the virus will not be able to cause much harm
  • Vaccination- 19.60 lakhs out of 2807558 population above 18 plus have been vaccinated i.e. 70% vaccinated, highest in the country

A meeting of administrative officers was held on Thursday regarding the third wave of Corona. It discussed preparations. ACS Mohd. In the presence of Suleiman, there was also talk about the new and four times more infectious Delta Plus variant of the virus.

There have been five cases of Delta Plus in the state so far, three patients who had got the vaccine did not need to be hospitalized. In such a situation, if the Kovid protocol, mask, distance and vaccination are taken care of in Indore, then the third wave will not be able to cause much harm. The highest 70 percent population of 18 plus in the country has been vaccinated in Indore. Oxygen production capacity is also sufficient now. Many medicines which had shortfall in the second wave, such as black fungus injection, Faviflu etc., are now being made in Indore itself.

Big challenge… sent 60 samples from Indore to test Delta + variant, waiting for report

The big challenge for the third wave is simply testing facilities. Samples are being sent from Indore to Delhi for testing Delta Plus and other variants, but it is taking 3 to 4 months to get the report. On June 4 and 17, 30-30 samples have been sent to Delhi’s NCD Lab for testing the variant. Report not found. Even before this, 133 samples were sent, their report did not even come. These include 33 samples sent in March. It is being told that the reports are being sent directly to Bhopal, but the officials in Indore do not know about them. When asked, everyone keeps quiet.

New hope… Genome sequencing machine will be installed in Bhopal’s Kamala Nehru Hospital

A new hope has arisen on Thursday regarding the investigation report. According to Medical Education Minister Vishwas Sarang, preparations are being made to install a machine for genome sequencing test at Kamala Nehru Hospital in Bhopal. The machine can be installed in two weeks. According to Sarang, the machine is being installed here in collaboration with Delhi’s National Center for Disease Control (NCDC). For this, the staff will also be given from there. The cost of the machine is around four crores. The Central Government is providing this machine to the state. This is probably the first case when the Center has provided such a machine to a state during the Corona period.

Vaccine is also effective on Delta Plus

Whenever we say variant it means that the old virus has changed the structure. The virus makes changes so that it can infect by escaping from the old antibodies. The Delta Plus variant has seen two main changes. Its infectivity is 4 times higher. Pneumonia occurs more quickly. There are complaints of upset stomach, rapid weight loss. The good thing is that Covishield and Covaccine are effective on both the variants. The severity of the disease has been observed to be low after the vaccine. -Dr. VP Pandey, Head Medicine Department

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