India Tv Samvad: Gyanvapi issue can be resolved through talks or court, says Jamiat chief Madani

India TV Samvaad
Image Source : India TV

India Tv Samvad: Gyanvapi issue can be resolved through talks or court, says Jamiat chief Madani

Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind president Maulana Mahmood Madani said on Monday that the Kashi Gyanvapi Masjid issue can be resolved through talks or the court should give its verdict.

Responding to questions in India TV’s day-long ‘Samvad’, Maulana Madani said, “Our organization (Jamiat) has decided not to speak on this issue in any public forum, but since you are asking, Let me tell you that this issue can be resolved. Through talks or through court. Don’t divide communities by trying to make Gyanvapi a national issue. Our organization did not participate in any TV debate on this issue Have decided not to take it up as the matter is sub-judice, and no solution will come out of the debate.”

On the issue of demolition of Muslim properties, Madani said, “We will fight it in the courts. The government did not act in a fair manner, whether in Khargone or in many other places. This is sheer injustice and we hope such demolition will not happen in future.”

Maulana Madani said, ‘There is a slight difference between us and AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi. He talks of uniting Muslims, but I talk of uniting all Indians. We need the support of all Indians. We will conduct 1,000 Sadbhavna Sansad in the next one year, while others are organizing Dharma Sansad to spread hatred.

Read also | India Tv Dialogue: I Don’t Agree, Says Madani On Owaisi’s Ideas For Political Representation Of Muslims

Madani also praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘independent’ foreign policy and said, “His foreign policy in recent months deserves praise. After a long time, we are looking at India’s independent role in foreign policy.” ”

Asked if he thinks Prime Minister Modi’s dream of seeing every Muslim youth with a Quran in one hand and a laptop in the other, Maulana Madani said: “No. The average Muslim youth is already concerned about protecting his reputation. Now the poor are cornered (they are now cornered). An atmosphere is being created against them. Those who are responsible for their safety are not doing their job. The rule of law should prevail and those guilty should be punished and the innocent should be protected in a fair manner.”

On the issue of abolishing triple talaq, Madani said, “We say that there should be no divorce. We want all the couples to be given three days of training before ‘Nikah’. Those who do not give certificates should not get married.

On the issue of ‘Azaan’ from loudspeakers, Madani accepted that the amount of ‘Azaan’ from loudspeakers should be within permissible limits to check noise pollution. “I am happy that the UP government took action without any discrimination against all the religious places which were using loudspeakers. But there are some people who try to target a particular ‘Azaan’. It is against the soul of India.”

On the decision of the UP government not to give grants to any new madrassas, Maulana Madani said, “I want the government to stop all grants to the existing madrassas as well. Let the management run the madrassas by arranging their own funds. Let the government build schools in Muslim populated areas. Let the Muslim community compulsorily send all boys and girls to schools.”

Read also | India Tv Dialogue: Maulana Madani lauds Adityanath’s decision to stop grants to madrassas

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