India managed omicron wave 23 times better than other countries: Center

new Delhi: The proactive measures taken by India have helped the nation to successfully manage the spread of Omicron, which is 23 times better than the world’s overall management of the COVID-19 pandemic, informed the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Monday.

Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, talked about India’s vaccination achievements compared to other countries and the government’s proactive management, news agency ANI reported.

“the danger of omicron The edition hasn’t gone away from India, but we have managed to manage 23 times better than the overall management of the world. COVID-19 When it comes to saving precious lives,” he was quoted by ANI on his official Twitter handle.

Agarwal said, “We have made vaccines available to 99 countries across the world. India has completed 250 million doses in 145 days. Right now, I am proud to report that we have completed 1.81 billion doses of vaccination. ”

He further added, “We have given QR coded digital certificates for each and every COVID-19 dose distributed to every citizen. We have not leveraged technology, we have leveraged the human resource in this country, which works with commitment. Is.”

India’s covid vaccination campaign

The COVID-19 vaccination for youth in the age group of 12 to 14 years began in India on March 16 this year.

The first phase of the nationwide vaccination campaign began on January 16, 2021, with healthcare workers receiving vaccinations. Frontline workers began receiving vaccinations on February 2 last year.

The second phase of COVID-19 vaccination began on March 1 of last year for persons above 60 years of age and above 45 years of age who have certain co-morbid disorders.

From April 1 last year, India has made vaccination mandatory for all adults above the age of 45 years.

From May 1 last year, the government decided to widen its immunization drive to vaccinate against the viral disease to all people above the age of 18 years.

(with ANI inputs)

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