Increased risk of new wave of corona: Every adult in the country will get a booster dose of corona vaccine, the government is planning

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  • National
  • Every adult of the country will get a booster dose of corona vaccine, the government is planning

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These days new cases of corona are increasing in many countries of the world. The central government is also eyeing this. The government is preparing to deal with it at every level. In this episode, a plan is also being made to apply a booster dose of corona to all the adults of the country. However, it has not yet been decided whether this booster dose will be free like the first two doses or whether it will be charged.

At present, booster dose is being given to all the people above 60 years of age, frontline workers only in the country. Apart from this, corona vaccine is also being administered to children above the age of 12 years. Schools are being opened in many states. In such a situation, vaccination of children had also become necessary. However, at present, there is a rapid decrease in the cases of corona in the country. A total of 1,549 new cases have been found in a day on Monday. Apart from this, the total number of active cases has also remained close to 25 thousand.

It is believed that now the coming wave will be weaker than before. One reason for this is mass vaccination of people.

However, corona is increasing continuously in China, South Korea and many countries of Europe.

Current status of vaccination in the country

Till March 20, 181 crore corona vaccines have been administered in the country. The vaccination of children of 12-14 years has started from March 16. Vaccination started in India from 16 January 2021. So far more than 40 million people have been infected during the pandemic in India. While there have been more than 5 lakh deaths.

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