India Ideas Summit 2023: Blinken hails India for providing over 1 million jobs to Americans I WATCH

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressing a
Image source: AP US Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressing an event in the US.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who was addressing an event in the US, acknowledged how India has contributed to his country’s development and underlined that the recent initiative by Indian businessman Ratan Tata The Gaya mega aircraft deal will contribute to an estimated one million plus jobs. ,

Addressing the US-India Business Council’s India Ideas Summit in Washington DC on Monday, the top US official said trade ties between the two countries reached $191 billion last year – making the US India’s largest trading partner.

“This February, Air India announced a historic purchase of more than 200 Boeing aircraft that will support an estimated one million jobs across 44 of the United States,” Blinken said. Interestingly, earlier this year, Tata Group’s Air India placed an order for 220 aircraft from Boeing – an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures and sells aeroplanes.

Blinken hails the upcoming visit of PM Modi

Notably, Blinken’s significant statement came about 10 days before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s scheduled visit to the US. “We are here, almost literally, for what we believe will be a historic state visit by Prime Minister Modi, one that President Biden has envisioned will further cement the defining relationship of the 21st century,” Blinken said.

Furthermore, he termed the relations between the two democratic countries as “unique” and “deeply” bonded. “We see this (India-US) defining relationship as a unique relationship between the world’s oldest and largest democracies, now with a special obligation to demonstrate that our governments care for all our citizens,” he said. can work for and empower them.”

India is playing an important role: Blinken

“We watch it all and we have deep bonds between people who participate in exchange programs, stream shows like I love watching Stop Chef. I know there are some people in the audience who do. But, maybe Most important here is the United States and the Indian American diaspora is over 4 million strong and getting stronger every day,” Blinken said.

Also, during the event, he stressed that India has an important role to play in addressing pressing issues of the world including health, regional and Indo-Pacific region. “I have seen India’s constructive leadership on these issues for close to two and a half years, and I see this in their ambitious agenda at this year’s G20,” he said.

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