India expects Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar’s tenure as ‘international negotiator’ to have a serious impact. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: As Taliban Ready to announce Mullah Abdul Ghani baradari As their leader, Akhund, the group’s public face for the past three years, India is hoping that his recent experience of being chief international negotiator with the US and head of outreach with other major powers will help him learn more about policies affecting India. will affect the outlook.
According to the reports, Sher Mohamed Stanczyk Simultaneously, Sirajuddin Haqqani may also be given positions of power in the new government while Baradar is set to play a leading role. Born in 1968 in Uruzgan province, Baradar is a Durrani Pashtun from the Popalzai tribe, who share tribal loyalty with former Afghan President Hamid. karzai. as one of the few leaders close Mullah Umri, Baradar served as the Taliban’s deputy defense minister during the 1996–2001 regime.
After the 2001 US invasion, Baradar fled to Pakistan, where he organized military resistance to the US occupation in Afghanistan, becoming the head of the Rahbari Shura in charge of operational decisions. But in 2010, Pakistan arrested him and jailed him for the next eight years, as Islamabad suspected him of striking a deal with Karzai and the US. According to reports, Baradar and other Taliban leaders prefer Mulla Abdul Rauf Aliza and Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhundzada, were said to belong to the more moderate forces within the Taliban.
Since 2018, when the US persuaded Pakistan to let him go and began talks for a peace deal, Baradar has been at the forefront of negotiations, but this time with Pakistani blessings. India will also hope that they have not forgotten how their hosts attacked them and considered the need to balance the equations.
As the leader of the 2021-version of the Taliban government, Baradar will preside over “independent” decision-making or whether he will continue to look over his shoulder toward Islamabad. The Taliban have been playing all sides in their statements recently – with a moderate approach to Shariat adherence; Reaching out to India, promising to continue any “Muslim” cause, including Kashmir, while also saying it would not involve supporting violence.


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