India cancels visa of popular foreign vlogger

The Indian government has canceled the visa of popular YouTuber Carl Rock. He has been blacklisted for one year for violating visa rules. Karl, a New Zealand citizen, used to raise slogans of travel to different parts of India. Incidentally, he also blogged about the NRC-CAA protests in India.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal thanked him for shedding light on India’s culture, political context, food habits, etc.

Earlier, Carl said that he had traveled from India to Dubai and Pakistan in October 2020. Carl claims that the Indian government at that time canceled his visa without giving any reason.

They claim that before blacklisting someone, it is necessary to give reasons. Carl said that he would have benefited if given the time. Carl said he could not see his wife and family because he had been blacklisted for a year. His wife Manisha Malik lives in New Delhi. Manisha’s ancestral house is in Haryana.

But why was his visa cancelled?

According to Union Home Ministry officials, who did not wish to be named, Karl came with a tourist visa. But he was doing business here. As a result, it is against the rules. So he has been blacklisted for one year. But making money by making YouTube videos is called a business? Or any other business? Nothing has been revealed about it.

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Carl has applied for a visa so that he can return to India. He tweeted tagging New Zealand Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal and journalists on Twitter. He has also started a petition in this regard. did not do.

Karl Rock recently posted a video about this on YouTube. “I haven’t seen my wife in 289 days,” he said in the video.

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