India biggest whiskey consumer in the world but urban Indians prefer beer: Survey – Times of India

New Delhi: Even though India is the largest consumer of whiskey in the world, almost three times more than the US, which is the second largest consumer, only 16% of urban Indians named it their favorite drink, according to the latest survey. Is. by YouGuv. Instead, beer and wine seem to be the popular choice with more than half (56% and 55%, respectively) saying they have tried it and almost a quarter (24% and 22%) calling it their favorite alcoholic beverage. .

Whiskey is seen as a preference among men, especially GenX respondents while beer finds favor with young adults (Janz and Millennials). Although alcohol consumption is low in India, it seems that women are driving its growth in the market.
Of those who consider whiskey a favorite, a large majority (86%) claim to drink alcohol occasionally, either on special occasions (birthdays, etc.), socially or simply on weekends. In comparison, there are fewer (22%) whiskey drinkers (who drink most of the time, daily or most evenings of the week) in comparison.
The most popular occasions to have whiskey are at a formal conference or office party, while relaxing at home and at a house party or club with friends.


Source: YouGov

calories The information is also important because three out of five (60%) said that knowing the caloric content in alcoholic beverages is extremely or somewhat important to them.
In addition, nearly one in ten brand loyalists and switchers (11% and 8%) said they would try a new brand if it had a lower caloric value, an insight given to the increasing emphasis on brand health and fitness. Might want to focus. global pandemic.
Beer and wine lovers have a higher viscosity than their favorite brand whiskey Advocate. They also found in the survey that GenX drinkers were more likely than GenX drinkers (74% vs. 33%) to be open to trying new brand alternatives, while the latter were more likely to prefer their preferred brand (48% vs. 10%). are more likely to stick to ,
Deepa Bhatia, General Manager, Deepa Bhatia said, “We see that consumers are more inclined to change brands and possibly have less loyalty to the preferred brand due to pandemic-related constraints, thereby reducing social opportunities for not only drinking outside the home Rather, the ease of availability of preferred brands has also decreased. , YouGov India.