India Abstains From Vote on UNHRC Resolution Extending Investigation into Ukraine War by One Year

Last Update: April 05, 2023, 12:12 pm IST

A general view taken on November 24, 2022 shows the gathering during a special session of the UN Human Rights Council on the situation in Iran at the United Nations in Geneva.  (AFP)

A general view taken on November 24, 2022 shows the gathering during a special session of the UN Human Rights Council on the situation in Iran at the United Nations in Geneva. (AFP)

China and Eritrea voted against the resolution, while India and 16 other countries abstained.

India on Tuesday abstained from voting on a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution extending its mandate to investigate human rights violations by Russia during the Ukraine war.

Of the 47 council members who voted in favor of the resolution, 28 adopted the motion. China and Eritrea voted against the resolution, while India and 16 other countries abstained.

Last year, when the Council voted in favor of setting up the inquiry, India also abstained.

So far, India has abstained from voting on all resolutions of the United Nations and its bodies, including the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.

The latest resolution at the UNHRC condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law resulting from Russia’s actions and called for the prompt and verifiable withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

India abstained, saying that all countries should follow international law and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries without any direct criticism of Russia.

“The global order that we all support is based on international law, the United Nations Charter and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states. These principles must be upheld without exception,” according to The Times of India. Pawan Kumar Badhe, Counselor, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in Geneva said.

India also expressed serious concern over reports of attacks on civilians and sought protection of human rights of people in Ukraine.

“The conflict has resulted in loss of life and untold suffering for its people, especially women, children and the elderly, with millions rendered homeless and forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries. Reiterate our serious concerns about the reports of attacks.

Emphasizing that escalation of hostilities is not in anyone’s interest, India reiterated its call for an immediate return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy.

Badhe said that India is providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic assistance to neighbors in the Global South under economic crisis.

In April 2022, Russia was expelled from the UNHRC in Geneva by a majority of the UN General Assembly.

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