Inculcating these 6 habits in your kids will take them far in their lives

Teach your child to say please when making a request.

How a child interacts with others is often a reflection of his upbringing.

Teaching children to talk to others is perhaps the first major challenge parents face. How a child interacts with others is often a reflection of their upbringing. As a parent, you must ensure that your child does not appear rude while interacting with your friends or relatives

In this article, we will tell you which habits you should inculcate in your child

please teach your child to say

Teach your child to say please when making a request. Please start using the word when you talk to the child, this will help them understand where and when to use the word. If the rest of the family kindly uses the word, the kids will automatically pick it up.

Excuse me:

Teach children to use the word sorry when they want someone’s attention or want others to listen to them.

Pardon me:

It is important to teach children the importance of saying sorry. It would be great if you could also use the word sorry often with your child. Your child will learn to apologize when he is wrong.

Ask permission:

Make sure your child gets permission before taking someone’s things. To teach this habit to your child, you should get their permission before taking their belongings. For example- may I have your pencil? Or can I feed you? This will inculcate the habit of taking permission in your child.

Do not interrupt:

You should teach your children not to speak when people older than them are talking. This can be practiced by asking the child to speak only when he has finished speaking.


Teach your children to say thanks. Tell them how important it is to say thank you and why it needs to be said. To make sure your child says thank you, you should start saying thank you whenever you enlist your child’s help.

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