Include these foods in your diet for better oral health

Every other week, a new diet craze emerges, promising a healthy lifestyle or rapid weight loss. Thousands of people visit their local grocery store every day in search of diet smoothies and “organic” vegetables. There is an established desire in the society to keep one’s body fit and healthy for both beauty and health factors.

The problem is that very few people think about how the food they eat affects every aspect of their body. They consider lipids and proteins, but not the effect that too acidic would have on their teeth. Dental health has an impact on overall health. People need to know which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy for teeth.

How does bad food affect the health of your teeth?

You are what you eat, they say. And there’s no better way to show it than with your teeth. This is due to the fact that many foods and beverages can form plaque, which can cause major damage to your teeth. Plaque is a sticky, bacteria-laden layer that causes gum disease and tooth decay. When you eat a sugary snack or meal, the sugar triggers bacteria to produce acid that destroys tooth enamel. Cavities can form when the enamel wears off.

What should I eat to keep my mouth healthy?

foods containing fluoride

Drinking water containing fluoride, as well as any product made with fluoridated water, benefits your teeth. Juices in powdered form (unless they contain a lot of sugar) and dehydrated soups fall into this category. Fluoride can also be found in commercially prepared food such as chicken, seafood and powdered cereals.

Tea, Nuts, and Lean Protein

Plaque-fighting chemicals can be found in unsweetened black and green teas. The phosphorus and protein in lean proteins like meat, fish, chicken and tofu help keep teeth healthy. Almonds are beneficial for your teeth as they are high in calcium and protein while the sugar content is low.

chewing gum, but sugar-free

Chewing gum, which is sugar-free, is another excellent producer of saliva that helps eliminate food particles from your mouth.

leafy greens

Vegetables should be a staple in your diet as they are light and low in calories, as well as provide many health benefits. Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, as well as aid in the production of saliva, which helps clean your mouth and maintain the health of your enamel. Kale, spinach, chard and collard greens are high in vitamins and minerals while low in calories.

Apples, Carrots, and Celery

If you have a sweet tooth, eat an apple instead of a candy bar or dessert! Apple hydrates and provides fiber to your body. By replacing apples with sweet goodies, you promote healthy saliva production. The roughness of celery can remove any remaining food particles and germs from your teeth, which helps to clean them.

Carrots and celery are high in fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A. Raw carrots can be added to salads or eaten as a snack.

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