Incidents of violence in Durga Mandap are undesirable, Imam in favor of minorities in Bangladesh

Leader of Opposition in the state Shuvendu Adhikari has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in protest against the violence at Durga Mandap in Bangladesh. This time the Bengal Imam Association has strongly condemned the incident. The organization has described the incident as unwanted.

A statement issued by the organization said, “Fear and apprehension have replaced happiness for the people of minority Hindu community in Bangladesh. More than 32,000 pujas are performed in Bangladesh. While the pooja mandapa was supposed to be a place where every member of the family should rejoice, communal tension arose around the unfortunate incident of a mandapa in Comilla. We are helpless, we don’t have much to do. Nevertheless, it is our moral and human duty to stand with minorities irrespective of language, community and borders.

It is noteworthy that after this incident in Comilla, there have been allegations of misbehavior in the ISKCON temple on Saturday. ISKCON officials have demanded strict action against the accused. After one incident after another, this time the Trinamool also advised the central government to sit for talks with the Bangladesh government. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already condemned the entire incident. Regarding the incident in Comilla, he said, ‘We will find out who will do such incidents. Appropriate action will be taken against any religion. We’ve done it before. We can do that too. The culprits should get proper punishment. Such punishment should be given so that no one gets such courage in future.
