In-person work ‘essential’ for employees, says senior Apple executive – Times of India

Apple CEO Tim Cook Last month, he sent a memo in which he wrote that most employees would be asked to report to the office three days a week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. “While many of us have been separated, what we have been able to achieve, the truth is that something has happened. Required Missing from this past year: each other,” the Cook Said in email. “Video conference calling has certainly bridged the distance between us, but there are things it simply can’t replicate.”
Now, Deirdre O’Brien, Apple’s senior VP of retail and people, has also reiterated the importance and need for people working together individually. The. in an interview with ledge, O’Brien said that “personal collaboration is essential to our culture and our future.” O’Brien further said that innovation in Apple products and services is down to in-person collaboration. “If we take some time to reflect on our incredible product launch last year, the product and launch execution was built on years of work when we were all together,” said the senior Apple executive. The verge.
some apple employee They are not in favor of returning to offices and want work from home to continue. Employees wrote to Cook and requested something like Apple consider remote and location-flexible work decisions as autonomous for a team to make decisions. “Many of us are not only well-connected already with our colleagues around the world, but better connected than ever. We work as we do now, without the daily need to return to the office. We look forward to working. There seems to be a disconnect between how the executive team views remote/location-flexible work and the life experiences of many Apple employees,” employees told Cook. Wrote in an email.
Apple has reportedly said that it expects employees to be back in offices by September under the hybrid work model. However, the Company will consider each case individually as to whether remote work is acceptable.


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