Imran’s politics on Gilani’s death: Pakistani Prime Minister declared a day of national mourning, said- Gilani considered himself to be of Pakistan, we salute him

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  • Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan declares national mourning day on the death of Syed Ali Shah Geelani

New Delhi7 hours ago

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Syed Ali Shah Geelani, chairman of Kashmir’s political party All Party Hurriyat Conference, died on Wednesday night at the age of 91. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has started politics on the death of separatist leader Geelani. He expressed grief over his death by tweeting on social media and has also declared a day of mourning in Pakistan.

Imran said- I am deeply saddened to know about the death of Syed Ali Geelani, who fought for the freedom of Kashmir. Throughout his life he fought for the people of Kashmir and their right to freedom. He received persecution from the Indian government, but still he stuck to his intentions.

He also said that in Pakistan we salute his courageous fight and remember his words – “We belong to Pakistan and Pakistan is ours.” The Pakistani flag will remain half-masted and we will observe a day of mourning.

Also read- Syed Ali Shah Geelani passed away: Kashmir’s separatist leader Geelani breathed his last at the age of 91, was MLA for 3 times; internet shutdown in valley

Mehbooba Mufti informed about the death
PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti informed about Geelani’s death on social media on Wednesday night. On the other hand, Kashmir IGP Vijay Kumar said that some restrictions have been imposed in Kashmir after receiving the news of Geelani’s death. Internet has also been turned off.

Mufti said- I am saddened by the news of Geelani saheb’s passing. We didn’t share much on many issues, but I respect him for his quick thinking and staying true to my faith. May Allah give them a place in Paradise. I express my condolences to his family.

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