Imran Khan’s Arrest Weakens Asim Munir’s Position, Splits Pakistan Army

COAS Asim Munir feels that his position and influence has been compromised as the arrest and release of Imran Khan has left the Pakistan Army divided.  (Picture: AFP/AP)

COAS Asim Munir feels that his position and influence has been compromised as the arrest and release of Imran Khan has left the Pakistan Army divided. (Picture: AFP/AP)

Pakistan’s arrest of former PM and PTI chief Imran Khan has left the military divided, with top commanders defying COAS Asim Munir.

The arrest of former Pakistan Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief last week in the Al Qadir corruption case has left the Pakistani military divided, a top Pakistani military official familiar with the development told CNN-News18. told.

The top military official mentioned above said that the high-ranking commanders have expressed their reservations about the ongoing crisis in Pakistan as well as the current political situation.

The person mentioned above also revealed that the ‘Pakistan command’ is in trouble because of the ‘unprofessional’ approach taken by the team of General Asim Munir, the chief of Pakistan’s armed forces.

Top commanders are now demanding a formation commanders’ conference to resolve outstanding issues and take all commanders into confidence.

This will be the first formation commanders’ conference since the change in command as the last formation commanders’ conference was called by his predecessor General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

The person cited above also revealed that top corps commanders have sent a message to COAS Asim Munir not to support “political thugs” fearing the situation may spiral out of control.

According to the source, the position of the current army chief is being undermined on a daily basis, and this is the weakest leadership of the Pakistan Army in 75 years. Even lower level soldiers and officers are demanding the institution to remain neutral.

While it may sound suspicious, the performance of the COAS and his core team has raised questions in the corridors of power.

It should be noted that in the past, retired and active military generals of the Pakistan Army have openly shown their support for cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan.

Despite PTI activists clashing with police officers, targeting military installations and damaging public property, some high-ranking military officers in Rawalpindi, Quetta, Peshawar and Lahore have opposed and even opposed the use of repressive tactics against protesters. refused to obey orders.

The person mentioned above explained that the division within the Pakistan Army was hierarchical, as low-ranking officers as well as major generals refused to obey orders.

The person also pointed out that General Asim Munir’s commission into the Pakistan Army was through the Officers Training School (OTS) Mangla, which was different from the normal route taken by senior army officers coming from the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) in Kakul. Is.

This could be another reason why General Munir lacks the support and camaraderie of those senior generals.