Imran Khan withdrew his protest, said- if elections are not announced in 6 days, he will return to Islamabad

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has withdrawn his protest march after reaching Islamabad, giving a stern warning to the government.

Imran Khan has warned that he will return to Islamabad if new elections are not announced in six days. (Photo: Reuters)

Announce elections in six days, or will return to Islamabad with ‘the whole country’, former Pakistan prime minister and PTI president Imran Khan warned the government while addressing protesters in Islamabad.

As per Dawn report, “He condemned the ‘strategies’ used by the ‘imported government’, including raids and arrests, to stop the PTI march and thanked the Supreme Court (SC) for taking cognizance of the matter. “

Supporters of PTI gathered in Islamabad to attend a protest march led by ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, amid fumes of tear gas, used by police to disperse them.

Imran Khan, who was ousted as Pakistan’s prime minister in April, called on his supporters to gather at Islamabad’s D-Chowk for a ‘peaceful’ protest rally to demand fresh elections . His call for protest comes after the Supreme Court of Pakistan directed the authorities to stop the arrest of the cricketer-turned-politician and allow a protest rally in the national capital.

The protesters gathered in thousands and started removing the barricades, leading to clashes with the police.

Vehicles are seen amid fumes of tear gas used by police to disperse PTI supporters during a protest in support of ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, in Lahore.

The ruling party said Khan’s decision to hold the rally at D-Chowk was in violation of the Supreme Court which had asked his party to organize the rally at a ground in H-9 sector of the capital city.

Soon after the clashes began, police arrested hundreds of PTI workers and some of its leaders for preventing them from joining the protest, which is being called the ‘Azadi March’. TV channels showed police firing tear gas shells and beating PTI supporters in Punjab province. Several women and children were injured in police firing in the Liberty Chowk area of ​​Lahore.