IIT Gandhinagar’s Curiosity Lab to Help School Kids Find Career Choices, Alternative Passions

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar will guide students to find the right career options for themselves and how can they follow their passion. The IIT will host an online camp for school students in classes 8 to 12, along with teachers, and parents. As part of the camp, IIT Gandhinagar’s Curiosity Lab will conduct scientific research to understand how to improve curiosity among students while learning. It aims to “introduce students to the stories of people who have taken up new and exciting professions and succeeded.”

The camp will be held from June 3 to June 5 2022. Interested candidates can register using the following link – www.curiositylab.iitgn.ac.in. Meanwhile the camp will also conduct film making competitions.

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“The idea is to enable students to learn that inspiration can strike from anywhere, be it a book, a person or a movement and that such inspiring stories could be found all around. However, one rarely hears from the person who had lived through that story. The people who inspire someone today was also once inspired by others,” says the press release released by the institute.

Through this camp the institute will make students meet “some incredible individuals who took unique paths and chose to follow their passions despite many obstacles.”

Highlighting the unique aspects of Camp Inspire, Prof. Jaison A Manjaly, Principal Investigator, Curiosity Lab, IIT Gandhinagar, said, “Curiosity Camps offer an opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to witness stories of inspiring individuals that may encourage them to follow their passions and make a positive change in society. ” The Curiosity Camps aim to introduce novel perspectives in learning while building awareness of the multiple career paths that exist and are supported by institutions such as the IITs.”

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Through this camp the institute wants to generate curiosity among school children about sports, gender, music research, entrepreneurship, STEM and economics. Further it want students to learn about unique passions, careers, entrepreneurship and their intersections with other domains. Additionally, it also wants to encourage skills such as filmmaking through competitions.

The institute has informed that the camp will conclude with a filmmaking workshop and competition. The workshop titled “Stories through visuals: The art of filmmaking” by Keerthi Raj BS will go over storytelling fundamentals and how to use available resources to tell engaging audio-visual stories. Following the workshop, participants will have to submit their film to Camp Inspire 2022. Three films from school students are eligible to receive cash awards worth Rs. 10,000.

Top academics from India and abroad who will be addressing the workshop, includes, Priyanka Srivastava, Space Systems Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Arun Krishnamurthy, Founder, Environmentalist Foundation of India (EFI), Keerthi Raj BS, Experience Project Fellow, IIT Gandhinagar, Dr Chandrima Shaha , President, Indian National Science Academy, and many other professors from IIT Gadhinagar.

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