If you are starting your skincare, makeup journey then here are some basic products you must have:

From celebrities like Jennifer Lopez to social media influencers, skincare has become the internet’s latest obsession. However, with many skincare brands touting their product as the holy grail for your skin, it’s easy to lose your way. Before you commit to your skincare routine, it’s important to know what you want to get out of the products.

However, before you take this elaborate and complicated route to address your skin care issues, there are a few ingredients that are suitable for all skin types:

wash face: The first and most basic step in any skincare routine is face wash. There are many types of face washes – from cream-based to gel-based formulas. Buy the one that suits your skin and doesn’t take away its essential components. If you are a beginner then it is generally recommended to buy a low pH face wash with a gel-like consistency.

Toner: Toner is the next step in the skin care routine. There are toners that also act as chemical exfoliators, however, this should only be applied twice a week, as dermatologist Dr. Shah and Dr. Maxfield mention in their YouTube videos. If your toner is a simple hydrating liquid, it can be applied daily, right after your face wash step.

Serum: There are many serums available in the market, however, they contain different ingredients which may not suit all skin types. However, vitamin C serum or niacinamide serum are two such products that are suitable for most skin types. Niacinamide is known to combat fine lines, hyperpigmentation, acne, oily skin, dehydration and uneven skin tone, while vitamin C helps reduce dark spots and dullness.

Moisturizer: The next and most essential step in the skincare routine is to hydrate your skin. A moisturizer does that job quite efficiently. If you’re a beginner, start with basic moisturizers that promise to do their basic job.

Sunscreen: Sunscreen is a must for your morning skincare routine. If you do not protect your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays that damage the skin, all the previous steps will fail to work their magic. American dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch also created an Instagram post for skincare beginners who are just starting their skin care journey.

After skincare, one can proceed to apply makeup. Here are some basic makeup products that you should have in your vanity kit:

Foundation: To apply a base to your face on which the rest of the makeup can sit. Choose a shade that is closest to your skin tone for a smooth finish.

Concealer: Use it to hide dark circles or other spots you want to hide. Like foundation, concealer should also match your skin tone.

Eye Palette: Eye makeup highlights your entire makeup and having a basic palette of colors that will match well with your routine is advisable.

Blush and Highlighters: To add color to your cheeks and cheekbones, a lighter shade of pink or red blush or highlighter would be perfect.

Lipstick: Complete your makeup look with the lip color of your choice.

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