Ida, wildfires show ‘climate crisis’, says Biden – Times of India

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden on Thursday promised stronger federal help for the Northeast and Gulf states affected by Hurricane Ida and for the western states ravaged by wildfires – with the devastation serving as a deadly reminder that the “climate crisis” ” has come.
“These extreme storms, and the climate crisis, are here,” Biden said white House speech. “We should be better prepared. We need to take action.”
The president said he would pressure Congress to pass his nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill to improve roads, bridges, the electric grid and sewer systems. The proposal aims to ensure that critical networks connecting cities and states and the entire country can withstand damage caused by floods, tornadoes and increasingly dangerous weather. Biden insisted that the challenge goes beyond the politics of a deeply divided nation because of the dangers posed by hurricanes and fires.
“It is a matter of life and death and we are all in this together,” the president said.
Scientists say climate change increases the frequency of extreme weather events – such as large tropical storms, and droughts and heat waves that create conditions for huge wildfires.
US weather officials recently reported that July 2021 was the warmest month ever in 142 years of record-keeping.
Ida was the fifth most powerful storm to strike the US when it struck Louisiana on Sunday with maximum winds of 150 mph (240 kph), potentially causing billions in flooding, wind and other damage including electrical grids. Dollars lost. The remnants of the storm brought devastating rainfall to parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey on Wednesday, causing significant disruption to major population centers.
The storm has killed at least 13 people in the Gulf Coast region and at least 46 in the northeastern US.
More than 1 million homes and businesses in Louisiana and Mississippi remained without electricity after Ida toppled a major transmission tower and knocked out thousands of miles of lines and hundreds of substations. New Orleans was plunged into total darkness; Power supply started in some parts of the city from Wednesday. Biden is due to visit Louisiana on Friday to take stock of some of the damage and meet with government officials there.
Biden said flooding in Louisiana was less than the area experienced during Hurricane Katrina 16 years ago, attributing federal investment in the region’s levy system.
“We know there’s a lot to be done in this response on our part,” Biden said. “We need to restore electricity. We need to provide more food, fuel and water.” He said he was receiving hourly updates on disaster response and outlined efforts by the federal government to ease recovery efforts, including making satellite imagery available to utility companies and waiving some regulatory requirements.
At Biden’s request, Department of Energy Said that he is releasing 1.5 million barrels of oil from the country.Strategic Petroleum Reserve To ensure a steady fuel supply in the Gulf region, where sunken ships are blocking major supply lines along the Mississippi River. oil will be used by ExxonMobil At his Baton Rouge refinery. The company has agreed to replenish the strategic reserves, which are used as emergency reserves, within three months.
The president also scolded insurers who are refusing to pay the cost of damages or hotel stays for those who had to evacuate their homes.
“Don’t hide behind the fine print and technicalities,” Biden warned insurers. “Do the right thing and pay your policyholders what you owe them.” Biden said separately that pentagon Caldor was assisting with ongoing firefighting operations in California against the fire.
Louisiana Gov. John Bellu edwards suggested that Friday’s visit to Biden would be crucial for the president to understand the devastation seeing the widespread damage for himself.
“There’s nothing like coming in person,” Edwards told reporters after a briefing with local elected officials in Jefferson Parish on Wednesday, who struck a straight chord with Ida. “When you see it for yourself, it’s pretty much It’s compelling.” Asked what kind of assistance he planned to request from Biden, Edwards said, “Obviously, the list is going to be very, very long.” There would be a priority for a housing program to help rebuild.
The White House says Biden has held several conference calls with governors and local officials to discuss post-hurricane preparedness and needs, and has received briefings from them. Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Dean Criswell.
FEMA sent tons of supplies, including generators, tarps and other materials, to the area before the storm, and federal response teams are working on search and rescue.
Biden’s visit to the Gulf region on Friday will be a difficult stretch for the president, who oversaw the chaotic exit of US forces from Afghanistan after a 20-year engagement. This includes the deaths of 13 US service members who helped evacuate more than 120,000 Americans, Afghan allies and others. Taliban Rule.
As Ida landed on the Gulf Coast on Sunday, Biden was at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to witness the return of the remains of 13 American soldiers and women killed in a suicide bombing at Afghanistan’s airport in Kabul last week, where Evacuation was taking place.


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