ICMR Guidelines on Type-1 Diabetes: Every fifth child in the world is an Indian; Control the disease in 3 ways

New Delhi3 minutes ago

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With the increasing cases of corona, there has also been an increase in type-1 diabetes patients in India. Due to this, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has also issued a new guideline. The health agency says that diabetic patients suffered more in the corona epidemic, due to which their risk of serious infection and death increased significantly.

According to ICMR, India ranks second in the population of diabetes patients in the world. Here every sixth person has this disease. In the last 30 years, the number of diabetic patients in the country has increased by 150%. Every fifth child or adolescent in the world suffering from type 1 diabetes is Indian. Apart from this, young people are becoming patients of type-2 diabetes at an early age. It is seen more in people aged 25 to 34 years in urban and rural areas. The cases of pre-diabetes are also increasing rapidly.

What is type 1 diabetes?

If the mother has type 1 diabetes, the risk for the child is 3%.  At the same time, if the father or siblings have this disease, its risk increases to 5% and 8%.

If the mother has type 1 diabetes, the risk for the child is 3%. At the same time, if the father or siblings have this disease, its risk increases to 5% and 8%.

This is a disease in which a person lacks insulin and the level of sugar in the blood increases. Type 1 diabetes can also be genetic. If the mother has this disease, the child has a risk of 3%. At the same time, if the father or siblings have this disease, its risk increases to 5% and 8%.

What does ICMR guideline say?

1. Right Diet and Exercise

Diabetes can be avoided with the help of a good diet and physical activity. Apart from this, it is also important to maintain the right weight, lipid level and blood pressure. The amount of carbohydrates is high in the diet of South Indian and East Indian people. At least 70% of these should be complex carbohydrates. Exercise can keep you away from obesity and heart disease.

ICMR says that even by maintaining the right blood sugar level, type-1 diabetes can be controlled.

ICMR says that even by maintaining the right blood sugar level, type-1 diabetes can be controlled.

2. Insulin Therapy

All patients with type 1 diabetes, whether children or old people, have to take insulin throughout their life. Therefore, it is important that patients keep adjusting the insulin dosage with the help of a good doctor, diabetes educator and nutritionist.

3. Correct Blood Sugar Levels

ICMR says that even by maintaining the right blood sugar level, type-1 diabetes can be controlled. According to the American Diabetes Association, patients should monitor blood sugar levels before eating, before bedtime, before exercise, before driving, and when there is low plasma glucose.

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