I Eat Beef, I am in BJP, Says Meghalaya BJP Chief

Last Update: February 19, 2023, 16:15 IST

Meghalaya BJP State President Ernest Mowry.  (IANS)

Meghalaya BJP State President Ernest Mowry. (IANS)

“I eat beef and I am in the BJP, there is no problem in that. I assure you that the people of Meghalaya are with the BJP this time,” he said.

Ahead of the Meghalaya elections, BJP state president Ernest Mowry said that the saffron party has not imposed any ban on eating beef and that he eats beef and has no problem with it.

in an interview given to IANSMowry said that since the BJP came to power at the Centre, there has been no attack on any church and the party does not impose any ban on eating beef.

I eat beef and am in BJP, there is no problem in that. I assure you that the people of Meghalaya are with the BJP this time. You will see it on March 2,” he said.

He was replying to a question whether the people of Meghalaya, who mainly practice Christianity, are ready to accept the hardline stand of the BJP on beef ban, CAA and other issues.

Marvi also expressed that the BJP would “do well” in the upcoming state assembly elections.

This time we have fielded candidates on all the 60 seats in the state. We are expecting a good show and after the election results, we can look for parties whose hands are not mired in corruption.

Marvi highlighted the “rampant corruption” committed by the National People’s Party (NPP) in the last five years and said the saffron party has “zero tolerance against corruption”.

“In the last one year we have filed several RTI applications, we have seen how rampant corruption was going on in Meghalaya under the current regime. We have all the records,” he said.

The Meghalaya Legislative Assembly elections are scheduled for 27 February 2023 to elect all 60 members of the Legislative Assembly. The results will be declared on 2 March.

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