Hyderabad Autorickshaw Driver Chased, Hacked To Death; Horrifying Video Goes Viral

Hyderabad: A youth was chased and brutally murdered by two men in broad daylight on a busy road in Hyderabad on Wednesday. This horrific incident took place in Azampura area of ​​Chadarghat. The victim has been identified as Yusuf (30), an autorickshaw driver by profession.

This heinous murder was captured in CCTV camera. The video clip, which has gone viral on social media, shows one of the assailants chasing and attacking the victim while vehicular movement continues on the busy road.

Once the victim fell to the ground, the assailant turned back and fled the scene. The injured person tried to get up but fell down and succumbed to his injuries. Surprisingly, no passer-by came to his rescue.

According to the police, two assailants stopped the victim who was traveling on a two-wheeler with a woman. He left his bike and started running, but the assailants chased him and attacked him with knives.

Despite being wounded, Yousuf kept running, but one of the assailants chased him and fled after satisfying himself that the victim had not survived. Police have launched a search for the assailants, who have been identified as Akram and Sohail, neighbors of Yusuf. The police suspect that an illicit relationship may have led to the murder.

This was the fifth murder in Hyderabad in less than 24 hours. Two transgenders were brutally murdered late on Tuesday night in Kulsumpura police station area. Two others who were sleeping on the footpath were pelted to death by unidentified persons under Mailardevpally police station limits.