Humanity and hospitality of Kashmiris: given place to tourists trapped in snowfall for four days; giving free food

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Kashmir Snow | Kashmir affected by heavy snowfall providing food shelter for stranded tourists

Srinagar25 minutes agoAuthor: Mudassir Kullu

Snowfall continues in Kashmir for four days. In this difficult time, Kashmiris have shown not only their hospitality but also the spirit of humanity. These Kashmiris are saving their tourist guests from the snow storm. Not only this, they are also providing free food, water and accommodation.

This becomes more important because 26 people, including 10 children, died in Pakistan’s Murree on Saturday. These people could have been saved, but their vehicles got stuck in the jam. Some people suffocated because of the heaters running in the car. There was no one to help him.

Due to snowfall, vehicles have been jammed on the highway, tourists are stuck on the way.

Due to snowfall, vehicles have been jammed on the highway, tourists are stuck on the way.

problem started on friday
Tourists are stranded on the Srinagar-Jammu highway on Friday. There is a lot of snowfall and landslides happening here. The Srinagar-Jammu highway connects the valley to other parts of India. On Sunday, it was closed by the administration, because the local administration wants to clear the way. Heavy stones have come on the road at many places. Apart from this, the slippage is also very high.

The people of Kashmir are preparing food from their homes and delivering them to the tourists, so that they do not go hungry.

The people of Kashmir are preparing food from their homes and delivering them to the tourists, so that they do not go hungry.

Local people are delivering milk for the children
Problems have their place, but here you will see the hospitality and humanity of Kashmiris everywhere. For the tourists stranded on the highway, they are providing Kashmiri pulses, biscuits, water and even milk for the children. Where needed, warm clothes and shawls are also being given to them. Many people have even opened the rooms of their house for tourists, because it is impossible to spend the night in freezing winter. The most important thing is that Kashmiris are not taking any money for this. Everything is free.

Young children should not have any problem with milk, so people brought milk to the tourists.

Young children should not have any problem with milk, so people brought milk to the tourists.

Gulmarg’s example
On Saturday, a group of tourists was hit by an avalanche at Kongdori in Gulmarg. Local Kashmiris rescued them and shifted them to a safe place. Vikas is also a tourist. He was stuck in Srinagar for two days and then on the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway for one day. He said- the local people gave me tea, biscuits, water and milk for the child. They also gave us a room for free.

Gulzar Ahmed of Delhi is also a tourist. He came here with friends and got stuck. He said- the local people helped us for three days. The local people also gave rooms to the tourists here. There is peace in Kashmir. Thank you very much for his hospitality.

Volunteers are providing hot tea to tourists stranded in Kashmir during the winter season.

Volunteers are providing hot tea to tourists stranded in Kashmir during the winter season.

what the locals say
Raees Ahmed Khan is a Kashmiri. He is at the forefront of helping tourists. He says – whenever the national highway is closed due to these circumstances, we help the stranded tourists. We also provide them with free food and rooms to stay overnight so that they do not suffer due to cold. A total of 6.6 lakh tourists came to Kashmir in 2021 and this is the highest in 10 years. This is great news for the tourism sector.

The people of Kashmir are ready throughout the day to help the tourists stuck due to snowfall.

The people of Kashmir are ready throughout the day to help the tourists stuck due to snowfall.

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