Howrah: College students protest against rioting, sabotage over fee hike

Students protest against charging extra fees at Vijayakrishna Girls College, Howrah. The non-teaching staff of the college has been accused of beating up the students. There have also been incidents of vandalism in the college. The college remained closed for the whole day. Eventually the police came and brought the situation under control. However, Principal Ruma Bhattacharya deferred the entire matter as it is an internal matter of the college.

On this day there was a ruckus in the college campus in protest against taking extra fees. The students complained, ‘We are fifth semester students. 2950 was taken from us at the time of admission. At that time Rs 900 was included for IT fee and lab fee. Then the college administration demanded that he would have to pay Rs 900 more. But why should we give that money? I am ready to pay Rs 625 for filling CU form. But why is Rs 900 being charged? Another college student said, “We went to the principal. but to no avail. The college staff misbehaved with us. Many mobiles have been thrown. Media representatives have also been expelled. Staff slapped students

Earlier, college students were seen protesting in many universities of the state, including Jadavpur University, regarding additional fees. Students protest against increased fees in a college of Calcutta University. However, the principal of the college, Ruma Bhattacharya, did not want to comment directly on the incident. He said, ‘The college has a website. That’s where all the writing is. Everything related to fees. you will see it. Match what the students have said. College is mine. The students, staff here are all mine. Did you know that extra charges?