How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? Expert Shares 6 Tips To Treat Flakes During Monsoon

As the much-awaited monsoon season arrives, bringing respite from the scorching summer temperatures, it also brings with it a set of challenges for many individuals. One such challenge is dealing with dandruff, a common scalp condition characterized by the appearance of white flakes. Although dandruff can occur at any time, but it increases during monsoon due to humidity and humidity. This persistent problem can cause embarrassment and distress, affecting one’s self-confidence and overall well-being. However, with the right knowledge and strategies, it is possible to tackle dandruff and enjoy the flake-free monsoon season.

Dandruff occurs when the natural process of hair loss from the scalp is disrupted, leading to overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia. Excessive growth of this fungus causes irritation, which results in the formation of white or yellow scales on the scalp. During monsoons, the high humidity levels make it an ideal breeding ground for this fungus, leading to dandruff problems.

Dr. Ankita Pant, Associate Consultant, Dermatology, Max Multi Specialty Centre, Panchsheel Park shares tips to effectively deal with dandruff during monsoon.

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1. Shampoo daily

Shampoo daily or on alternate days. The less oil that is allowed to accumulate on the scalp, the less likely it is to develop dandruff. Scalp oil production and moisture accumulation on the scalp are at their highest in monsoons, which provide ideal growth conditions for fungal elements and contribute to dandruff.

2. Oil once a week

Avoid applying oil overnight. Once a week, applying oil for an hour or two is sufficient. Avoid applying excessive amount of oil on the head.

3. Anti-fungal Shampoo

Use a medicated anti-fungal shampoo at least once a week. Allow the shampoo to remain in contact on the scalp for at least 5 minutes.

4. Hair Cycling Plan

You can follow a ‘hair cycling plan’ for regular hair washing, where you use Clarifying once a week to eliminate silicones and oil build-up on the scalp and repair damage/enhancing color/volumizing/strengthening You can use shampoo. / Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner on other days of the week, depending on your individual needs.

5. Wash the scalp

Always wash your head after excessive sweating, like a workout.

6. Shampoo after a workout

If you workout regularly, it is advisable to schedule your shampoo during the post-workout shower.