How To Apply For Apple Swift Student Challenge 2023: A Step-By-Step Guide

Entries are now open for this year's challenge.

Entries are now open for this year’s challenge.

Submissions for this year’s challenge are now open, and students can submit their work until April 19.

Cupertino-based tech giant Apple recently announced the Swift Student Challenge, which tasks students to create an innovative coding project using Apple’s Swift Playgrounds app. According to the company, the winners will receive exclusive WWDC 2023 outerwear, AirPods Pro, a customized pin set, and a one-year membership in the Apple Developer Program.

To win the Swift Student Challenge this year, Apple mentions that developers will need to create an interactive scene in the app’s playground that can be experienced in three minutes.

Submissions for this year’s challenge are now open, and students can submit their work until April 19. The company will notify the students of their status by the end of the business day on Tuesday, May 9. If you want to apply for Apple Swift Student Challenge, here is how you can do it.


– Students who are 13 years of age or older in the United States or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction.

– Must be registered with Apple as an Apple Developer or a member of the Apple Developer Program.

– Meet one of the following requirements:

– Be enrolled in an accredited educational institution or official homeschool equivalent;

– be enrolled in an educational course at a STEM organization;

– Enroll in an Apple Developer Academy; Or

– Graduated from high school or equivalent within the last 6 months and is awaiting acceptance or has received acceptance from an accredited educational institution;

– And the person should not be employed full time as a developer.

Please note that the Challenge is designed for student developers who are developing their software development skills. You can receive a Swift Student Challenge Award or WWDC Scholarship up to four times.


– Your submission must be an App Playground (.swiftpm) in a zip file.

– Your creation should not depend on a network connection and any resources used in your app’s playground should be included locally in a zip file. Submissions will be judged offline.

– Your zip file can be up to 25MB.

– Your Submission must be created by you as an individual or a template modified by you as an individual. Group work will not be considered. You may include third-party open source license code and/or public domain images and sounds with a credit and an explanation of why it was used.

– Your app must be built and run on Playgrounds Swift Playgrounds 4.2.1 or later (requires iPadOS 16 or macOS 13) or macOS 13 with Xcode 14. You can incorporate the use of the Apple Pencil.

– All content must be in English.

To apply to the Apple Swift Student Challenge, sign in to the application form with the Apple ID associated with your developer account. If you are under the age of 18, you will be asked to enter the contact information of your parent and legal guardian.

Upload your most recent class schedule or other most recent proof of enrollment (PDF, PNG, or JPEG) and contact information for your academic supervisor. Documentation is accepted in all languages. Your document must clearly show your name, the name of the organization or school, and the dates that it is valid.

Upload a zip file (up to 25MB) containing your app’s playground and associated resources. Tell us about the features and techniques you used in your creation, in 350 words or less. If you’ve shared or would consider sharing your coding knowledge and enthusiasm for computer science with others, tell us in 350 words or less.

You will have the option to tell us about any App on the App Store that you personally created, in 350 words or less. If you’re 18 or over and would like to share your resume or CV with other Apple groups, upload a PDF.

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