How the mighty have fallen: The story of Virat Kohli

Virat Kohli |  file photo
Image Source: Reuters Virat Kohli | file photo

Virat Kohli The story is one for the ages. A story that speaks of insane highs – but also vague lows. A story of invincibility – but also the dangers of mortality. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Or is it, for poetic justice, another low level about Kohli’s ‘Virat’ story that has been conquered?

Since 2019, Virat’s invincible aura has rocked. severe beating. Once a lot, the runs have dried up. The situation has increased so much that his place in the team is under question. But how did he get here? To be honest, it doesn’t even seem like a technical flaw right now. He is batting well, it seems. Confidence, though not what we are used to seeing, is still there. But, cricket as a sport requires a bit of luck. However, luck is not even close to him for Kohli.

Take for example the fourth innings against England at Edgbaston. After being dismissed while tinkering with the delivery outside, Kohli, unlike many, decided that he was not really going to drop anything. He made up his mind, stretched out his front leg, and tried to play every ball. He was sure of his strategy, and it seemed to be working. But such was his luck, that Ben Stokes came in, he bowled a good length, and the ball jumped like a short pitch, took the top edge and went into the keeper’s hand. That was his end.

In the second T20, he played his part in India’s new attacking approach, trying to play nothing, and was killed in the process. Amidst his many dismissals these days, you must have seen Virat smiling, looking up at the sky, nodding, or dropping him while walking. These gestures are not a reason to despair – it is secondary and comes with every dismissal. But his facial expressions are shocking, even amusing.

He knows it’s working, knows the Indian dug-out, but the results are nowhere to be seen. It’s strange how fast the night changes. Few more months and we can see India playing without Virat Kohli. Who would have thought so? Now the question is, can he get back up?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Or is it, for poetic justice, another low level about Kohli’s ‘Virat’ story that has been conquered?