How Did The Son Of A Murder Convict Crack IIT JEE By Studying In Jail For 2 Years? Secured 453rd Rank

story of success: When faced with difficulties, it is easy to give up and give up, but those who persevere in the face of difficulties are the true heroes. One such example is Piyush Goyal, son of a murder convict, who attended school in jail and secured 453rd rank (2016) in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). He spent two years studying for the engineering entrance exam from his Kota jail cell.

life inside prison

His father, Phool Chand Goyal, was originally a postman from the Rajasthani village, before being convicted of murder in 2007 and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was a school teacher. His father Phool Chand Goyal had limited resources due to his conviction in a murder case. He lacked money to buy books or stay in a city hostel for his son, let alone spend money on both. As a result, the young man was forced to live in a small room of 8×8 feet, where the lights went off at exactly 11 o’clock in the night. There were many things to grumble about. Still, Goyal worked hard. And once the results are declared, their struggle doesn’t matter much to them.

a great sacrifice

Due to his exemplary behaviour, his father, Phool Chand, who had almost completed his 14-year jail term, has been allowed to live in an open jail. This implies that when he can leave the prison premises to go to work, he must return to his cell by sunset. Shortly thereafter, Phool Chand telephoned his son and wife to ask them to join him in jail. He is funding his son’s education with the Rs 12,000 he earns from working at a shop in the city. With that cash, he sent Goyal to a coaching facility in Kota to get ready. For the sake of his son, he used to stay and even sleep outside the cramped space from 6 pm to 2 am

Although Piyush works very hard, his father Phool Chand Goyal must also be commended for making every effort to ensure that there is no hindrance in his son’s studies.