How are the women of Bengal? From Kanyashree to Lakshmi’s store, there is also promotion of flourishing on Women’s Day

Bengali wants his daughter. Keeping this slogan in mind and promising to stand in favor of women, Trinamool won the assembly elections this time. And on International Women’s Day, initiatives are being taken to implement various projects of the Trinamool-led government for the women of Bengal. From Kanyashree to Rupashree, from Lakshmi’s Bhandar to Sabuj Saathi, the government has taken the initiative to stand up for women everywhere. And on Women’s Day, initiatives are being taken to promote various aspects of the success of those projects.

At the same time, in the message of Women’s Day, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has emphasized on the empowerment of those women. He also stressed on the safety of women. Meanwhile, in the last assembly election campaign, the Tabar central leadership of the BJP came to Bengal to campaign and repeatedly raised questions about the safety of Bengali women. Trinamool camp raised the issue of Uttar Pradesh. The Trinamool leader retaliated even when Prime Minister Narendra Modi practically taunted her as Didi, O Didi-e-e.

But today is a thing of the past. Now it is up to the state government to contribute to the safety and empowerment of women. And this is what the ruling party wants to expose. Kanyashree has gained national and international fame from Lakshmi’s collection. This is an initiative to be presented in the district through exhibition.