How A Passion For Bike Riding Changed The Life Of This Dharavi Vlogger? With 1.7 Mn YouTube Subscribers Earning Rs 15 Lakh Per Month

Mohammed Salim Khan, also known online as MSK, is a leading content creator based in Mumbai. Although he had always been interested in traveling, it was his love of bike riding and globetrotting that allowed him to begin down the path that would lead to the achievement of many of his goals. He never intended to become a YouTuber, but in 2019 he decided to put his acting career on hold and began creating content on his travels. Being a perfectionist by nature, he went above and beyond to understand the intricacies of vlogging, not realizing that his enthusiasm would one day bring him the identity and moniker that his fans now know as MSK.

Mohd Salim Khan enjoys exploring “His Hindustan” on his bike, be it off-roading in the white desert of Kutch, riding through the mist in the Panchghani hills, feeling the rush of winter riding in Arunachal doing, enjoying local cuisine in Assamese, or encountering soldiers at the India-Pakistan border. The 30-year-old Mumbai-based content creator has amassed over 1,000 lifestyle and travel vlogs spanning various locations across the country and has garnered appreciation from over 1.7 million YouTube users. Salim has been named as one of the 75 Young Cultural Brand Ambassadors of India by the Union Ministry of Culture to mark the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, for taking Indian history to millions of followers.

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Mohd Salim Khan: Days of Struggle

Salim’s early years were not as happy as they appear in his vlogs. Despite being born in a small village in the South Dinajpur region of West Bengal, he grew up in Mumbai’s Dharavi, one of the largest slums in the world. He never envisaged turning to vlogging as a source of income. He worked various odd jobs and businesses before he started making videos to support his three-member family, which included his younger brother, his father, a watchman, and his mother, a maid. He was a tenant in a modest Dharavi shanty. When he was just 13 years old, he expressed his desire to improve the financial condition of his family. For Rs.10 a week, he started learning the craft of turpai (hemming) from a local tailor.

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Aspire to join the Indian cricket team

Salim played cricket in addition to his academics and work and had aspirations of joining the Indian cricket team. But he was forced to give up on this dream due to a back injury he suffered while attending school. He kept working jeopardizing his schooling so that he could make ends meet. Salim started an internet retail business at the age of 16. They sold trendy accessories. Salim decided to e-commerce in desperation. He wanted to follow his acting aspirations.

the success story

Salim rose to fame thanks to his MSKVlogs YouTube channel. He has amassed a massive following in just five years, with 449k followers on Instagram and 1.73 million subscribers on YouTube. He has 80,000 fans on Facebook. He started his YouTube career as a way to overcome his shyness and gain confidence in front of the camera, but later realized how much he loved it and decided to turn it into a career. Her Instagram page is filled with travel inspiration from all aspects of her life. Saleem strives to infuse innovation and excellence into every piece of content. He has been featured in several magazines and portals over the years about his travels, encounters and growth as a vlogger. Through his travel endeavors, he committed himself in 2019 to creating educational, entertaining and interesting video content. With brand integration, Salim now manages to earn Rs 15 lakh every month. However, this is not a set amount. Sometimes he makes less than this and sometimes more than this.

MSK’s primary goal is to showcase its travel and motorcycle adventure content. Their USP is to make each drive or trip to their destinations completely personal. He makes sure that his slogans spread all over the world. He has both aspirations and success. Mohammad Salim Khan through his hard work and ingenuity has excelled in every industry including cricket, film making, business and vlogging. He thinks that his life and work have been greatly benefited by luck. A person from such a humble background usually does not become famous at such a young age. But he has conquered everyone by his steadfast tenacity.