Horoscope Today, 2 May, 2024: Your Daily Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs – News18


Ganesha says today will be a day full of expenses for you. You will see an increase in your expenses, due to which your mind will remain fearful. You will be happy in the workplace as you will get the work as per your wish, but a dispute may arise with a junior. You will have to avoid borrowing money from anyone today, otherwise, you will find it difficult to repay it, those who are living a love life will have to try their best to convince their partner. You may attend some religious events, where people will try to tarnish your image, which you will have to avoid.

  • Lucky Number: 13
  • Lucky Colour: White


Ganesha says today will be a day full of problems for your health. There will be a strange fear in your mind, due to which you will remain worried and you will not feel like doing any work, but if you want to invest in the business, then you can do it wholeheartedly because it will be beneficial for you. You will have to avoid trusting anyone in your work, otherwise, they may give you the wrong advice. You will take some time to listen to your child’s problems. In the evening you can plan to go on a picnic with your friends.

  • Lucky Number: 11
  • Lucky Colour: Pink


Ganesha says today will be a busy day for you because people doing business from abroad will keep getting opportunities for profit in business, which they will recognize and implement and will earn huge profits in business. People associated with jobs may get a new offer, but it would be better for them to stick to the old one. In the evening, you can take your mother to meet people, where it would be better for you to negotiate and speak. If students are going to apply for any new examination, then they can do so, because they will get success in it.

  • Lucky Number: 8
  • Lucky Colour: Violet


Ganesha says today is going to be a particularly fruitful day for you. If any controversial situation arises in the workplace, you will have to present your side in it, otherwise people will consider you a liar. People doing business will have to learn the art of converting bitterness into sweetness, only then they will be able to earn profit. In the evening, you can organize a small party for any member of your family. If people living a love life have not introduced their partner to their family members, they can introduce them today. Today will bring some new problems for you, which you had never even thought of, but still, you should not panic.

  • Lucky Number: 12
  • Lucky Colour: Burgundy


Ganesha says there will be enthusiasm in your mind today because you will be seen having fun with small children in the family, which will keep all your fatigue and stress away. People involved in work may get financial benefits, but they will have to avoid abusing anyone. Your father may suddenly suffer from an eye-related problem. If this happens, you must seek medical advice. In the evening you will share some things in your mind with one of your family members. You will have to fulfill the promise made to a family member, otherwise he may get angry with you.

  • Lucky Number: 18
  • Lucky Colour: Navy Blue


Ganesha says today will be a day full of progress for you. The day will be better for people doing business because some of their stuck plans will be completed, which will also bring them financial benefits, but if you have thought of running a business in partnership, then you should avoid blindly trusting your partner. Otherwise, he may cheat you. You should not get into a fight with anyone by relying on what you have heard from your loved one. It would be better to work with both your eyes and ears open. For those who are preparing to go on a journey, it would be better to wait for some time, otherwise, there is a fear of a vehicle crash.

  • Lucky Number: 3
  • Lucky Colour: Silver


Ganesha says today will be the day of fulfillment of your ambitions. You will have to share some of your thoughts with your spouse, otherwise you will remain mentally stressed. It would be better for students to take advice from teachers if needed, but if senior family members have assigned you any work, then it has to be completed on time, otherwise, they may get angry with you. Students will have to maintain a hold on weak subjects, only then they will be able to achieve success. You can take your spouse out somewhere.

  • Lucky Number: 1
  • Lucky Colour: Blue


Ganesha says from a health point of view, today will be full of problems for you because eating too much can cause problems like stomach ache, gas, vomiting diarrhea, etc., which you should not ignore and should seek medical advice on time. , If there is any argument with your mother, it would be better for you to remain silent in it. People who are thinking of investing their money in betting will have to avoid investing, otherwise their money may be lost. You can take your parents on a trip to Devdarshan, which will be beneficial for you.

  • Lucky Number: 19
  • Lucky Colour: Gray


Ganesha says today will be a good day for you in terms of luck. If any of your matters are related to the court, then you seem to be getting relief in it. If you go out for a walk and get permission from your parents, otherwise, they may get angry with you, but if you invest your money in someone’s advice, it can cause problems for you later. Due to the sudden illness of a relative, you may have to go on a trip. While outing in the evening, you will get some important information, which will be beneficial for you.

  • Lucky Number: 17
  • Lucky Colour: Olive


Ganesha says today the environment around you will be auspicious because your child may get a new job and any obstacle in the marriage of a family member will be removed. You will behave well with everyone at the workplace so that you will be able to complete your work easily. If there is any dispute going on in the family for a long time, then it seems to be resolved with the help of a senior member, but if you have made any investment plan for the future of your children, then you must consult your spouse.

  • Lucky Number: 14
  • Lucky Colour: Magenta


Ganesha says today will be a good day for people associated with work, but you will be able to achieve success only if you drive away your laziness and move towards work. Students will get the desired results in the examination. People associated with jobs will have to maintain the sweetness of speech while talking, only then they will get respect. Whatever decision you take with your wisdom and discretion, you will be successful. You may also get to hear some positive news from the children’s side. You will get back the money stuck in business which will strengthen your financial position.

  • Lucky Number: 6
  • Lucky Colour: Cream


Ganesha says today will be a happy day for you. You will meet your old friend and resolve some old grudges, which will deepen your friendship. Today will be a better day for people looking for work, but you may have to face some problems from the family. If you are thinking of making money transactions, then you will get victory in those matters, but you may lose trust in your spouse because some work may be done without your consent. Some seasonal diseases may affect you in the evening, so you have to be careful.

  • Lucky Number: 4
  • Lucky Colour: Mustard

(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla).