Holding hands of minor is not sexual harassment: POCSO Court | India News – Times of India

Mumbai: Ruling that holding a MinorIt doesn’t matter once to shake hands and express love to yourself sexual harassmentMILF a special poxo court The acquitted 28-year-old man, who was booked and arrested in 2017 after proposing to a 17-year-old girl.
The court said there was no evidence to show that the accused had any sexual intention. It was also observed that there was no evidence that he had pursued the minor continuously or tortured him at a secluded place. It said that there was no strong evidence to establish that the accused had used criminal Coercion with intent to outrage modesty of minor.
“Considering the evidence on record, I find that the prosecution has not been able to bring evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused acted allegedly. deserves to be acquitted.”


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