Hijab dispute reached the Supreme Court: Karnataka HC’s decision challenged, said in appeal – the decision reduced the fundamental rights of Muslim students

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Hijab Controversy Appeal In Supreme Court Against Karnataka High Court Order

New Delhi6 minutes ago

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An appeal has been filed in the Supreme Court against the interim order of the Karnataka High Court on the Hijab controversy. It has been said in the appeal that the Karnataka High Court on Thursday by not allowing Muslim girl students to wear the hijab has diluted their fundamental right. This appeal has been made on behalf of Dr J Halli Federation of Masjid Madaris and Waqf Institutions.

On the last day, the High Court has banned the wearing of religious clothes in the school-college till the decision in this matter. The court said- We will pronounce the verdict as soon as possible, but it is necessary to maintain peace. The court will next hear the matter on Monday. During the hearing of the case, the High Court first said that we will see whether wearing hijab is a fundamental right or not.

Even before this the matter had reached the Supreme Court. Congress leader and lawyer Kapil Sibal, while transferring the case from the Karnataka High Court to the Supreme Court, demanded a hearing from the Constitution Bench of 9 judges. Then the CJI had said that first let the decision of the hearing to be held in the Karnataka High Court come today. After that we will look into the matter.

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