High Blood Sugar levels in the morning: Causes and ways to manage glucose levels effectively

high blood sugar: After sleeping for hours without consuming any carbs or any food, you may wake up in the early morning with elevated glucose levels. It is part of the daily routine of many people, especially those with diabetes. There are many reasons why your glucose level may be high in the morning, one of which is known as ‘Morning event’ Which happens in the early morning (3 am and 8 am) when you are sleeping.

During the early morning hours, the body signals the liver to boost the production of glucose, which provides the energy that helps wake you up. This triggers cells in the pancreas to release insulin to keep blood sugar levels under control. But if you have diabetes, your body may not produce enough insulin or is insulin resistant to combat the rise in blood sugar. As a result, your blood sugar reading rises when you wake up.

The rise in blood sugar is your body’s way of making sure you have enough energy to get up and start the day. You can also experience this sudden increase in blood sugar levels for many other reasons, such as:

Not having enough insulin in your body the night before.

– Irregularity with prescribed medicines.

Eating wrong or unhealthy breakfast before sleeping.

The effects of these increased blood sugar levels can vary from person to person. There are some things you can do to manage your blood sugar levels so that they are not that high in the morning, however, if this is a regular occurrence for you- visit a health specialist or your doctor immediately.

check your blood sugar before bed

If your blood sugar level is high before sleeping then it will remain high throughout the night and hence you will wake up with elevated blood sugar level. Consider changing the time you eat, as well as the type of food you eat, if you notice a significant difference in your glucose levels. Also, consider incorporating some basic physical exercise, such as a 10-15 minute walk, into your daily routine to lower your glucose.

spot the pattern

Analyzing information such as your dietary choices and daily activities and further understanding the role it plays can be of great help. For people with diabetes, it may also mean that you are not using enough insulin or injecting at the wrong time of day. But for people without the condition, it mainly points to the need to make significant but simple changes in diet and eating schedule.

work it out

Exercise can prove beneficial in controlling these increased levels of blood sugar in the morning. If you have dipping insulin levels, going for a walk or other workout after dinner can help keep your blood sugar low throughout the night. However, be cautious when exercising at night because the blood sugar-lowering effects of exercise can last for hours and can cause low blood sugar overnight. That’s why morning exercise is the best!

Also Read: 7 Foods To Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally – Check The List And Control Diabetes

avoid late dinner

If you eat a snack after your evening meal, especially carbohydrates, you may wake up with high blood sugar levels. So, keep a regular time for your meals in a day. Timing is as important as the type of food you consume.

have a proper breakfast

Proper and timely meals are an important factor in managing blood sugar levels in individuals, especially for people with diabetes who experience frequent fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Keeping in mind that the first meal of the day is breakfast, it is important that your meals are healthy and precise. Eating a balanced breakfast that is low in protein, high in carbohydrates, fiber-rich fruits or vegetables, and complex carbs can help manage sugar levels better.

Also Read: High Blood Sugar: 7 Herbs To Include In Your Diet To Manage Diabetes

Managing blood sugar levels is tough, but making some basic lifestyle changes and giving up bad habits can do wonders for you in addition to your prescribed medication.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)