High Blood Sugar: Decoding Link Between Neonatal Deaths And Gestational Diabetes

Dr Navneet Agarwal

Gestational diabetes refers to a condition first diagnosed during pregnancy or pregnancy. Like its other forms, gestational diabetes affects how cells use glucose, or blood sugar. High blood sugar during gestational diabetes can affect the health of the pregnancy as well as the baby.

Nevertheless, women can control gestational diabetes by eating healthy, exercising, and taking medications if necessary. By controlling blood sugar, both mother and baby can stay healthy, preventing a difficult delivery.

Implications and signs of gestational diabetes

When a woman develops gestational diabetes during pregnancy, blood sugar usually returns to its normal level after delivery. But women with gestational diabetes are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D). Therefore, it is important that they check themselves more often for changes in blood sugar.

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Usually, gestational diabetes does not cause any noticeable signs or symptoms. Most women may not know they have it until they are tested. However, frequent urination and excessive thirst can be possible symptoms.

Given its effects, women should seek health care even before becoming pregnant. Thus, physicians can check someone’s overall health as well as their risk of gestational diabetes. Once a woman becomes pregnant, a doctor may screen for gestational diabetes as part of prenatal care.

If gestational diabetes develops, more frequent monitoring may be needed. These are especially needed during the last three months of pregnancy when the healthcare provider will monitor the woman’s blood sugar levels and the health of the expected baby.

Causes and Risk Factors

Researchers are not yet sure why some women develop gestational diabetes and others do not. Often, being overweight or obese before pregnancy may play a role. Other risk factors may include not being physically active, having gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy, having prediabetes, having a family member with diabetes, and having polycystic ovary syndrome. Asians and some other ethnicities are also more prone to gestational diabetes.

Normally, various hormones help keep blood sugar levels under control. During pregnancy, however, hormone levels can fluctuate, making it difficult for the body to process blood glucose efficiently. As a result, blood sugar levels may increase.

To diagnose diabetes during pregnancy, almost all non-diabetic pregnant women will be screened for gestational diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks of their pregnancy. At this time, a glucose screening test will be done.

If not managed carefully, gestational diabetes can lead to high blood sugar levels. This can cause problems for the mother and the unborn baby, including a higher chance of needing surgery for delivery (C-section).

Complications for baby and mother

If a woman has gestational diabetes, her baby may be at an increased risk of several complications. These include high birth weight, preterm (preterm) birth, stillbirth (death before or after birth), severe breathing difficulties, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), obesity, and T2D later in life.

A study reported in BJOG: International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, highlights the serious risks of high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes who were not screened, diagnosed or treated had up to a 44 percent increased risk for stillbirth, the study said.

Similarly, the mother may be affected by complications like high blood pressure and preeclampsia – a serious pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure and other symptoms that can put the life of both the mother and the baby at risk. Other complications include C-section (surgical delivery) and developing diabetes in the future.

Diabetes during pregnancy will be treated based on the severity of the condition along with the symptoms of the woman, her age and general health. Treatment will consist of selective diet with minimal amounts of carbohydrate foods and beverages, exercise, blood glucose monitoring, and insulin injections, with the aim of keeping blood glucose levels within normal limits.

prevention through healthy habits

However, one should not forget the adage that prevention is better than cure, yet there is no surety to prevent gestational diabetes. Still, the chances of preventing it are better if one develops healthier habits before pregnancy.

If a woman has had gestational diabetes, the following healthy choices can limit the risk of developing it again in future pregnancies or developing T2D later:

eating healthy

Women should choose foods high in fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) but low in fat and calories. Also, watch portion sizes.

stay active

Women can protect themselves from developing gestational diabetes by exercising before and during pregnancy. About 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week can help. This could include daily brisk walking, bicycling, swimming, or other small activities.

Opting for pregnancy at a healthy body weight

Women planning a pregnancy are advised to lose excess weight beforehand to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Hence, one must plan well in advance and adopt a healthy lifestyle before planning a pregnancy.

Avoid gaining more than the recommended weight: During pregnancy, some weight gain is normal and healthy. However, gaining excess weight too quickly can increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Therefore, women should consult with their healthcare provider about what would be an appropriate amount of weight gain for them.

If women in a family follow the above guidelines to avoid gestational diabetes, the mother and baby are more likely to be safe before, during and after delivery.

(Disclaimer: Dr Navneet Agarwal is Chief Clinical Officer at BeatO. The views expressed in the article are those of the expert. Zee News does not endorse the same.)