High Blood Sugar Control: How Frequently Should You Test For Diabetes? Check Normal Blood Sugar Range

Diabetes or high blood sugar is a serious problem which, untreated or left uncontrolled, can lead to a number of complications including effects on the major organs of the body such as the heart, kidneys and eyes. Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar (or blood glucose). The most common is type 2 diabetes, usually in adults, which occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin. With sedentary lifestyles, increased stress, eating out frequently, or eating junk food – becoming a norm, diabetes is often found in young people. Pregnancy in women is also a risk factor. So how often should one get tested for diabetes and what is the normal range? Dr PG Talwalkar, Consultant Diabetologist, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim – A Fortis Associate, shares his insights with us.

How often should you check for high blood sugar?

“Once a person turns 30, they should get their blood sugar checked as per the doctor’s advice. Normally, a non-diabetic patient should usually get a blood test done every two years, While people with pre-diabetes should get a blood test done once every six months at home and once every three months at a diagnostic centre,” shares Dr Talwalkar. He adds that if a patient has uncontrolled diabetes and is taking multiple insulin injections or is pregnant, they should self-examine three times a day.

Diabetes Management: Do’s and Don’ts

To prevent diabetes one can walk daily for 30 minutes, do not take too much stress and de-stress yourself through yoga and meditation, avoid junk food, maintain a healthy weight and do not allow a growing waistline, Dr. Talwalkar shares.

High blood sugar: what is the normal blood sugar level

Dr Talwalkar shares blood sugar levels in diabetic and non-diabetic patients:

Normal blood glucose levels are <100 mg% during fasting
75 after 2 hours oral glucose consumption: < 140 mg%

In diabetic patients, fasting blood glucose is: 126 mg% or more
Post glucose challenge: 200 mg or more

HbA1c: normal <5.7%
HbA1c in diabetes: 6.5% or more

symptoms of high blood sugar

On its website, the World Health Organization mentions, “Symptoms of type 1 diabetes include the need to urinate frequently, thirst, persistent hunger, weight loss, vision changes, and fatigue. These symptoms can occur suddenly. Type 2 The symptoms of diabetes are generally. Similar to those of type 1 diabetes but often less marked. As a result, the diagnosis may be made many years after the onset of the disease, complications have already arisen. For this reason, risk factors It’s important to be aware of.”

Diabetes blood test: TV actress shared her experience

Television actress Aishwarya Sakhuja recently took to Instagram to share the tests that a diabetic patient must undergo. The actress mentioned that while she is no medical expert, being a Type 1 diabetic herself, she shared her personal experience.

However, as the actress points out, every body and case is different and people should check with their doctors for more information and how they can control their blood sugar levels.