Here’s Why Amazon Prime Users Are Canceling Their Membership After Bezos’ Space Trip

Founder of Amazon and one of the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos Recently traveled to space. After his visit, Bezos thanked heroine Customers and employees to “finance” their journey into space. However, this did not sit well with any group of people as he took his thank you note as the richest man in the world. Many Amazon customers are now saying they are against funding private space trips for a billionaire and, therefore, canceling them. amazon head contribution. Bezos stepped into space on July 20 in a test launch flight before his company Blue Origin began commercial operations for space tourism.

Bezos thanked Amazon customers and employees for “funding” his journey into space, saying, “I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer because you guys paid for all of this.” ,” Bezos said. “So seriously, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, to every Amazon customer, and to every Amazon employee. It’s so commendable,” Bezos said. Soon after, many criticized Bezos’ statement as being “tone deaf”. Ever since Bezos made this statement, the backlash has been pouring in, with a report from Business Insider saying that many customers are canceling their Amazon Prime subscriptions.

user on Facebook And Twitter expressed satisfaction at the cancellation. A user on Twitter asked Bezos to give all Amazon Prime customers a ticket on his space flight, “As a freebie we paid you to go to space!”

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