Here’s How You Can Join The Indian Navy After Class 12

In order to take the NDA exam, a candidate must have Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics as one of the subjects.

In order to take the NDA exam, a candidate must have Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics as one of the subjects.

To join Indian Navy through NDA/INA entry system one has to clear SSB interview after qualifying UPSC NDA exam.

After completing 12th standard, students have to choose which subject they want to study. Engineering, medical studies, mass communication or MBA are some of the common professions nowadays. Others are more interested in joining the Indian Navy and serving the nation. Indian Navy frequently releases applications to recruit candidates. One can join the Indian Army in various ranks including an officer and a sailor. For each post, there are different requirements to qualify. If you too are an aspiring Navy officer, then this is the article you need to read today.

After class 12, you have two ways to join Indian Navy. One is National Defense Academy (NDA)/Indian Naval Academy (INA) and the other is 10+2 B.Tech Cadet Entry Scheme. To join Indian Navy through NDA/INA entry system one has to clear SSB interview after qualifying UPSC NDA exam. To join the Navy under the 10+2 B.Tech Cadet Entry Scheme, qualifying the JEE Main exam is essential. Here also you have to crack SSB interview after getting shortlisted.

Apart from direct hiring, Indian Army also selects applicants through NDA exam. Only people between the ages of 16.5 and 19 are eligible to apply, and the exam is conducted twice a year. NDA is the fastest and most popular route to become an officer in the Indian Army. To appear in the NDA exam a candidate must have Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects in class 12th.

After passing 10+2 B.Tech Cadet Entry Scheme in Navy one has to complete four years B.Tech course at Naval Academy Ezhimala in Kerala. Both the Executive and Technical Branch and the Education Branch of the Navy place recruits through this program. To qualify for the course, a candidate must have passed 70 per cent in 12th (PCM). Along with this, passing the JEE Main exam is also mandatory. Based on your rank in JEE exam, you will get a call for SSB interview.