Here Is How Men Can Make an Impression on Their Female Friend in First Meet

Last Update: Jan 30, 2023, 7:00 PM IST

While talking to a girl for the first time, often people are not able to talk openly.

While talking to a girl for the first time, often people are not able to talk openly.

Men are often unable to open up to a girl for the first time.

Being a boy who has been surrounded by male friends all his life, and suddenly being introduced to a new female acquaintance, can feel strange. This is because they have not developed the skills to talk to the opposite sex and this makes them uncomfortable and clueless as to what should be the topic of discussion. While talking to a girl for the first time, often people are not able to talk openly. This leads to a negative first impression of them and they may also become less confident.

Here are some easy tips to talk to a female friend for the first time and make a good impression on her:

Find out about their interests:

The best icebreaker is to ask the woman about her interests. That way, if you find any common ground, you can discuss those interests and even if the two of you are different, you can ask them more about their interests and address your curiosities.

introduction is important

It is important to introduce yourself properly to a woman by shaking her hand confidently and firmly. Start with a hello but don’t stop there. Try to give a short summary of who you are. This will help in establishing a confident personality in front of them.

avoid showing off

Sometimes people pretend to be someone and exaggerate their fake persona. This can lead to unnecessary complications in the friendship later as their expectations from you may differ from reality.

listen to them

Listening is a quality that shows them affection and makes sure you make them feel respected. Interrupting them too often can make your friend feel disrespected and upset.

Compliment Where You Can

Make sure you compliment her on her get-up as she has put in the efforts to make herself look presentable. Make sure you also continue to do this in conversation at appropriate times but remember not to overdo it.

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