Heavy Omicron on Celebration: When the Center intimidated, the states imposed restrictions; Night curfew in some states, strict restrictions in some places

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Omicron Updates Christmas | Central government guidelines, night curfew, corona ban

7 minutes ago

Despite Omicron’s threat, the festive season is getting crowded in the markets. (file photo)

The fear of reaching the mouth of the third wave of the corona virus epidemic was again shown to the states on Thursday by the central government. After this, many states have declared strict restrictions till evening. Especially the screws have been tightened on the celebrations of Christmas and New Year. Night curfew has now been declared in many states including Madhya Pradesh, while many states have imposed strict restrictions.

Center gave these 7 instructions to the states

  1. Be more vigilant about the increasing number of cases of infection and increase surveillance
  2. Focus on doubling the infection rate and preventing new clusters of positive cases from forming
  3. Keeping the festive season in mind, impose local restrictions and night curfew if needed.
  4. Notify Containment Zone and Buffer Zone in new clusters of Kovid-19 cases and impose restrictions
  5. Ensure that the first and second doses of corona vaccine reach 100% of the eligible people rapidly.
  6. Run door-to-door campaigns in states where the rate of corona vaccination is less than the national average
  7. In the states where elections are going to be held soon, Kovid-19 vaccination should be done on a large scale.

Which state has taken what steps regarding corona infection?
Night curfew again after 37 days in MP:
After 37 days, the Madhya Pradesh government has again imposed night curfew from 11 pm to 5 am. Along with this, the government has said that only those people above the age of 18 years will get entry in gym, coaching, theatre, cinema hall, swimming pool, who have got both doses of the vaccine.

Ban on Christmas-New Year celebrations in Delhi: Public celebrations on Christmas and New Year have been banned in Delhi. According to the order of DDMA, till further orders, only 50 percent seating capacity will be allowed in any hotel, bar or restaurant.

Section-144 implemented in Noida-Lucknow of UP: Amidst the growing threat of Omicron, the Yogi government has imposed Section 144 in Noida and Lucknow of Uttar Pradesh till December 31.

10 days lockdown imposed in Telangana village 38 cases of new corona variant Omicron have been found in Telangana. Meanwhile, a lockdown has been imposed for 10 days with everyone’s consent after an Omicron was found infected in a village named Gadem of the state.

Ban on New Year celebrations in Karnataka: Celebrations of New Year have been banned in Karnataka for the second consecutive year from December 30 to January 2. There is no ban on the celebration of Christmas, but mass gatherings in churches have been banned.

Vaccination mandatory in Tamil Nadu: The Tamil Nadu government has not imposed any major restrictions regarding New Year and Christmas celebrations. But only those who have got corona vaccination in hotels-clubs have been declared mandatory to be given entry. Only a limited number of people will be able to celebrate the New Year on the sea beach of Chennai.

School closed in Maharashtra, new guidelines on public celebration: Maharashtra government has decided to close the school again. Mumbai Municipal Corporation has issued new guidelines for public celebration of Christmas and New Year. Now people will be able to gather here only up to 50% capacity of the venue. In Nashik, people who have not been vaccinated have been banned from entering malls and government offices.

Ban on New Year parties in Odisha too: Odisha has also completely banned the organizing of parties for the New Year. This ban on hotels, restaurants and public places in the state will be applicable on December 31 and January 1.

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