Heat stroke risk increased: Maharashtra has over 374 cases in two months, 25 deaths so far; This is the highest in 6 years

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There have been 25 deaths due to heat stroke in Maharashtra in March and April. Which is the highest in six years. In the last two months, 374 cases of heat stroke have been reported, but experts believe that the true figures are much higher than this. At present, the temperature in the districts of North and Central Maharashtra, Marathwada and Vidarbha is above 40-46 degrees Celsius.

According to the data of the State Health Department, Nagpur (262) has recorded the maximum number of cases of 374 in the last two months. This was followed by Akola (29), Pune (21), Nashik (14), Aurangabad (10), Latur and Kolhapur (1-1). Rest of the cases are from other places.

A passerby washes his head and mouth with water to get relief from the heat.

A passerby washes his head and mouth with water to get relief from the heat.

No case in last two years
The State Health Department says that the cases will increase further in the coming months. For this, the Health Department has issued an advisory saying that there should be no shortage of water in the body, wear light cotton and loose clothes and eat good protein food. Along with this, it has also been requested to take precautions to prevent the effects of heatwave. The state has not reported any case of heat stroke in the last two years. Earlier in 2016, 19 deaths due to heat stroke were recorded.

The heat is the highest in 100 years
State Surveillance Officer Dr. Pradeep Awte said- ‘The number of deaths this year is more than the rest of the years. In such a situation, it is expected that the cases will increase further. Nagpur has the highest number of heatstroke cases. In the first four months of this year, Maharashtra has seen a record 25 deaths due to heat stroke. In 2018, there were barely two deaths due to heat. This year’s summer is the highest in 100 years. So far, there have been 25 suspected deaths in Maharashtra, out of which six have been confirmed.

The state surveillance officer said that this year the heat has broken the record of 100 years.

The state surveillance officer said that this year the heat has broken the record of 100 years.

IMD issued alert
Heat stroke is a serious problem related to heat, which becomes out of control of the body due to increase in summer temperature. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the state health department have issued a yellow and orange alert for Vidarbha and other parts of Madhya Maharashtra.

IMD issued Yellow and Orange alert in many parts of Maharashtra.

IMD issued Yellow and Orange alert in many parts of Maharashtra.

what is heat stroke
Heatstroke is a disease caused by hyperthermia, or heat, that occurs at high temperatures. In this there is a lack of water in the body. Its symptoms are- dizziness, nausea, anger, muscle cramps and fatigue. Along with this, feeling more tired, lack of water in the body, heat in the head and pain are the symptoms of heat stroke. Heatstroke is a medical emergency that can lead to death if not treated promptly and properly.

Heat stroke occurs when a person's body temperature rises to 40 °C or more.

Heat stroke occurs when a person’s body temperature rises to 40 °C or more.

Why does heat stroke happen?
When a person spends time outside in high temperatures or works in the sun for a long time, the body temperature rises. Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature rises to 104F (40°C) or higher. This condition is most common in summer. In such a situation, avoid going out in the heat as much as possible and if symptoms of heat stroke appear, then consult a doctor immediately.

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