‘He Is More My Type’: Sachin Tendulkar Picks His Favorite Between Lionel Messi And Cristiano Ronaldo

Sachin Tendulkar Picks His Favorite Between Messi And Ronaldo

In a rapid-fire round, during his interview with Graham Bensinger, Sachin Tendulkar was asked to pick one of the two options given to him

Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? – it is one of the toughest questions and it is hard to pick a preference between these two legends. But for the majority of Indians, the tough choice remains to pick between Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli. As far as their batting techniques or stance is concerned, Kohli is indeed a mirror image of Sachin but the two also have several characteristics, respectively, which make them stand out. Considering that both Sachin and Kohli are football lovers, when asked about their favorite of the two football legends – they both have different picks.

In a rapid-fire round, during his interview with Graham Bensinger, Sachin was asked to pick one of the two options given to him. Between Golf and Racquetball, he picked the former, and when it comes to ‘Hole-In-One’ or Double Century, Sachin went with the double century. The next question was to pick one between Ronaldo and Messi, and the former Indian skipper picked Messi. “He is more my type,” Sachin said during the interview.

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As far as Kohli is concerned, it is known to the world that his favorite is Ronaldo. He believes that Ronaldo is the most complete player, and he has not seen a better goalscorer than him. Kohli is especially fond of Ronaldo’s willpower that drives through ages – it is one of the unique points behind his preference.

Kohli and Sachin were often pushed in tough spots when they were asked the million-dollar question – who is better among them? However, the two cricketers are pro at dodging the question quite seamlessly. While Kohli states that there is no comparison between him and Sachin as the former cricketer is the reason why he started to play the sport in the first place. Sachin recently countered the question with – “what if they both are on one team.”

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