‘He didn’t make us feel like we were talking to PM’: PR Sreejesh on talks with Modi

PR Sreejesh praises everyone for Indian men’s hockey team’s interaction with PM Narendra Modi at his residence on Monday. The Indian men’s hockey team was hosted by the Prime Minister after winning the bronze medal Tokyo Olympics, which ended the country’s 41-year wait for a hockey medal at the Games. Sreejesh said that Modi spoke very frankly and frankly and brought him into his comfort zone.

“We loved that we met the Prime Minister and we got a chance to talk to him more closely. But he didn’t make us feel like we were talking to the Prime Minister, he spoke very openly, very friendly and he took us into our comfort zone,” Sreejesh told Asianet.

The PM was gifted hockey sticks signed by both the Indian men’s and women’s hockey teams on Monday and Sreejesh said the PM told him how special it is for the country to receive a hockey medal again.

“He came to us and congratulated our coach and then he told us that the whole of India is celebrating our bronze. He said that we got many other medals in the Olympics but when the hockey team wins one, it is a special occasion for the whole of India. It was a great honor to say this sir,” he shared.

Sreejesh said that it is also a great honor to name the country’s biggest sports award after hockey magician Major Dhyan Chand. “He changed the name of Khel Ratna to Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna and as a hockey player, it was a great honor that Dhyan Chand ji was named in the biggest sports award.”

Sreejesh shared a light-hearted anecdote from his conversation with the PM, in which he inquired about his knowledge of Punjabi, given that he has several peers from across the state.

“Sir also asked me ‘Mr, you must have learned Punjabi by now.’ I said, ‘Yes sir. I have been a teammate with many Punjabis for many years now so I haven’t learned it even a bit. Now, this is my chance to teach them Malayalam and so, I will do that’,” he concluded. .

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