Have Acne-prone Skin? Follow These 5 Expert-recommended Tips

Last Update: January 14, 2023, 6:46 pm IST

These pimples often appear in the T-zone area and mostly last for a very long time.

These pimples often appear in the T-zone area and mostly last for a very long time.

Once you remove your makeup, always wash your face twice.

Wedding season is here and we are all set to look our best. But not everyone is blessed with flawless and non-sensitive skin. There are many of us who – as soon as we put on makeup – get pimples. For many of us, applying makeup is a nightmare because of our acne-prone skin. These pimples often appear in the T-zone area and mostly last for a very long time. Sometimes it takes months for their scars to disappear.

If you are also troubled by your acne prone skin, then pay attention to these tips of cosmetologist Dr. Nidhi. He has shared a video about this on his Instagram account and told how we can stop this problem. So without wasting time let’s start.

double cleanse

Once you remove your makeup, always wash your face twice. For this, use a cleanser with salicylic acid. This will give relief from acne.

use an acne pad

If you’re wiping your face, keep an acne pad on your hand and use it to wipe your face. Do not forget that it must contain glycolic acid.

Use a Patch to Treat Acne

After cleansing the skin at night, apply the acne healing patch on your pimples or acne on the face. You can also get it online.

use a clean brush

Always remember to use a clean brush or sponge whenever you apply makeup. It should be stored only after washing and drying after use.

avoid rubbing the skin too much

While exfoliating, always take care not to rub the skin too much. It will be better if you are gentle while doing this.

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