Haryana: Man sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment for sexually abusing minor daughters. Gurgaon News – Times of India

Kurukshetra: The court of District and Sessions Judge Manish Dua on Thursday convicted and sentenced a man to life imprisonment with a fine of Rs 62,000 for sexually assaulting his two minor daughters. Kurukshetra.
District Deputy Attorney (DDA) Bhupendra Kumar said that on August 5, 2020, a woman had lodged a complaint at Thanesar Sadar police station and told the police that she had five children, including three daughters.
“The woman complained to the police that her daughter (17) disclosed about the sexual harassment by her father. Her husband had been sexually harassing her for the past one year and had threatened to kill her if she told her story to anyone. The elder daughter protested, her husband started assaulting the younger daughter of 10 years,” DDA Bhupendra said.
Bhupendra said the woman alleged that on August 4, she and her husband were sleeping outside their house and their children were sleeping in the room.
DDA Bhupendra said, “The woman’s husband went inside the room and started sexually abusing the younger daughter. The girl screamed and her mother woke up.”
On the complaint of the girl’s mother, a case was registered against the accused on 5 August 2020.
Kurukshetra police said that the investigation of the case has been handed over to the woman sub-inspector.
(As per Supreme Court directions on matters relating to sexual harassment, the identity of the victim is not disclosed to protect her privacy)
