Hamas captures Israeli commander as situation escalates | DETAILS

Rockets launched by Palestinian militants from the Gaza
Image Source : AP Rockets launched by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip towards Israel

As situation escalates between Israel and the Hamas, Israeli commander Nimrod Aloni was captured by the Palestine-based terrorist group, after the latter launched a barrage of rockets towards the Jewish country on Saturday (October 7) daybreak.

According to reports, over 50 Israelis have been taken hostage and soldiers, including Aloni have been kidnapped by Hamas fighters.

Who is Aloni?

Aloni stepped aside as the commanding officer of the Gaza Division in August 2022. He currently is the commander of the ‘Depth Corps’, a strategic force whose mission is to use Israeli special forces to operate in the depth of an enemy.

Hamas turned the table on Israel, and is now operating in Israel’s strategic depth.

Israel retaliates

After Hamas fired over 3,000 rockets in an unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday as part of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’, Israel conducted retaliatory strikes on Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war after which the Israeli strikes killed 161 people and injured over 1,000 in Gaza, according to BBC.

Earlier, the Hamas rocket strikes claimed at least 40 lives in Israel and left more than 740 people wounded, including dozens who are in critical condition. This marks the deadliest attack by the Hamas group, designated as a terrorist organisation by the United States, the European Union and other countries, on Israel in several years.

PM Modi calls Hamas’ strikes as “terrorist attacks” in Israel

Prime Minister Narendra Modi termed the rocket strikes in Israel as “terrorist attacks” and said that India stands in solidarity with the Jewish country.

“Deeply shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour,” PM Modi posted on X, formerly Twitter.

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